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15 April 2024 | Draft

Harmonizing Dissonance via a Rubik's Cube Framework

Experimental guide to navigation of hypersensitive global polarization

-- / --

Clarification with ChatGPT of a depolarization "game"
Surfaces of Rubik's Cube as constituting potential magic squares
Potential interpretation in the case of the Russia-Ukraine polarization
Potential interpretation in the case of the Israel-Palestine polarization
Potential interpretation in the case of the Vaccination-Antivaccination polarization
Adaptation to other threefold polarizing combinations
Minimal number of "moves" for a solution -- "God's number"
Interpretation of "moves" through patterns of "steps" and Tai Chi?
Harmonizing dissonance via polyhedral symmetry-preserving operations
Distinguishing "moves" in a polarization negotiation process
Relevance of knot theory to untangling geopolitical polarization
Harmonizing dissonance through patterns of colour
Harmonizing dissonance through patterns of musical tones
Harmonizing discourse through embodied movement and dance
Speculative possibilities for future consideration
Potential relevance of Chinese Bagua insights to "depolarization" via Rubik's Cube?
Relevance to a potential "two-state" solution?


There is no lack of reference to global division and polarization, whether associated with Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine, or Vaccination-Antivax. Each of these, whether separately or in combination, now constrains discourse -- even to the point of dividing families, friends, communities, or collegial groups. The period is a curious feature of a Biblical prophecy (Brothers will turn against their own brothers..., Matthew 10:21-23). There is therefore a case for experimenting with any process which addresses this trend and endeavours to reframe it.

One curious possibility is potentially offered by an interpretative adaptation of Rubik's Cube -- especially in the light of its familiar popularity worldwide. Previous exercises considered other somewhat related possibiities (Interplay of Sustainable Development Goals through Rubik Cube Variations, 2017; Rethinking Rubik's Cube: a mnemonic device for ways of knowing and engagement?2009). This was concerned with engaging otherwise with what people find meaningful. It explored the possibility of mapping the 8-fold set of the UN's Millennium Development Goals onto the 3x3 surfaces of Rubik's Cube -- with each surface posing the challenge of eliciting a 3x3 magic square.

In that light, the following exercise explores the possibility of mapping the opposing elements of hypersensitive polarizations onto a Rubik's Cube. The elaboration of the design possibility was undertaken in an exchange with ChatGPT. This was preceded by a contrasting design exercise, also enabled by ChatGPT (Simulating the Israel-Palestine Conflict as a Strategy Game, 2023). The argument here follows from a concen with the conventional dependence on "flat earth" thinking, ignoring insights of mathematics and physics (Neglect of Higher Dimensional Solutions to Territorial Conflicts, 2024).

In the light of active Chinese interest in the mathematics of Rubik's Cube, consideration is also given in what follows to the relevance of magic squares, originating in China, and their relation to the Bagua pattern of Chinese tradition. This is understood as justified at this time by the arguments of Susantha Goonatilake (Toward a Global Science: Mining Civilizational Knowledge, 1999), as discussed separately (Enhancing the Quality of Knowing through Integration of East-West metaphors, 2000; Coherent Reconciliation of Eastern and Western Patterns of Logic, 2023).

Rubik's Cube continues to be the focus of attention from mathematicians, given that it is a tangible manifestation of principles in algebraic abstractions and graph theory. Some implications are noted here. Especially relevant to this argument is the widespread popular familiarity with the challenge it represents for many. As of January 2024, around 500 million cubes had been sold worldwide, making it the world's bestselling puzzle game and bestselling toy.

Clarification with ChatGPT of a depolarization "game"

The use of ChatGPT (with the plugin), in the development of the possibilities considered here, follows from previous experiments with such exchanges in which limitations and reservations were noted (Eliciting integrative insight via ChatGPT, 2024). In particular reference was made to a degree of "algorithmic enthusiasm" in response to questions which might otherwise be considered more critically -- a style which readers may variously appreciate or not. It remains a quetion whether inclusion of the "verbose" responses of ChatGPT result in a document which is excessively lengthy. Of some interest is the possibility of representing any question to ChatGPT at some future time in order to determine how development of the algorithm may refine the response.

Question to ChatGPT: With respect to the exchange regarding geopolitical polarizations (Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine, China-Taiwan, 2 Koreas, etc), there is an extensive literature on the square of opposition. Can you trace any effort to apply those insights to such polarization. The same could be asked of the literature on oppositional logic and its associated geometry [Oppositional Logic as Comprehensible Key to Sustainable Democracy, 2018; Square of opposition and Crossed quadrilaterals: the cognitive challenge? 2019; Engaging an Opposing Ideology via Martial Arts Philosophy, 2016].

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Despite the lack of studies on application to polarization, some are of potential relevance (Fabien Schang, Depicting Negation in Diagrammatic Logic: Legacy and Prospects, 2008; Achille C . Varzi, The Geometry of Negation, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 2003)

Question to ChatGPT: Could you provide some clarification to the design of a Rubik-cube style configuration of the divisive polarizations that now prevail in global society. With a 3x3x3 cube, three polarities could be variously affixed (and distinctly colored): "Russia" (implying pro-Russia and anti-Ukraine) -- "Ukraine" (implying pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia). Similarly for "Israel" -- "Palestine". Similarly for "Vaccination" -- "Anti-vax". On a 3x3 surface the center would be "white" as an indication of a balance

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One approach to any such representation is as indicated in the animations below. It is of course the case, given current geopolitical dynamics, that "Israel" could be understood as a surrogate for "Judaism", and "Palestine" for "Islam".

Visual approaches to the confrontation of opposing perspectives
Square of opposition Greimas semiotic square Edge-mapped polar perspectives Vertex-mapped polar perspectives
Square of opposition Greimas semiotic square Edge-mapped polar perspectives Vertex-mapped polar perspectives
Watchduck (a.k.a. Tilman Piesk) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons; EmmaSofia515 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Animations prepared using Stella4D

The 2D mapping exercises above right can be transformed into mappings onto a 3-dimensional cubic framework as shown below.

Animations of simple indicative mappings of 3 sets of polar perspectives onto a cubic framework
Mapping onto mutually orthogonal planes Simple mapping Unfolding the cubic representation
Mapping onto mutually orthogonal planes Cubic indication of 3  polar conditions Foldingof cubic indication of 3  polar conditions
Animations prepared using Stella4D

Subdividing the surfaces into the 3x3x3 pattern of Rubik's Cube can be indic ated by the following animations. That on the left is indicative of the "scrambled" condition which is the common cgallenge in soving the puzzle. That on the right indicates a "solved" condition in which scrambled condition resembles the configurations above. The central anaimation offers one aproach to thinking about the challenge of reconciling the "sides". Using the colours of the "standard" Rubik's Cube, the mapping of the scrambled condition is indicative only.

Subdivision of cube faces into a 3x3x3 pattern
Scrambled condition Folding the sides Resolved condition (unscambled)
Scrambled subdivision  of  scambled  polarizations Folding of scrambled subdivision  of  scambled  polarizations UnsScrambled subdivision  of  scambled  polarizations
Animations prepared using Stella4D

The challenge of resolving the scrambled condition is explored through various perspectives in what follows. One perspective of fundamental relevance is the sense in which reconciling psychosocial polarization is a matter of "face saving". Given the "faces" distinctive of the geometry of the cube, "unscrambling" the faces to the condition on the right invites consideration of the implications of the metaphor.

"Face" can refer to a sociological concept in general linked to the dignity and prestige that a person -- or a group -- has in terms of their social relationships. With different nuances, this is of considerable importance in many societies and cultures. Face has particularly complex dynamics and meanings within the context of Chinese culture, and its usage in the English language is borrowed from Chinese. Resolving issues of polarization may require particular attention to "face-saving" and avoiding "loss of face":

The issue of face has acquired considerable psychosocial significance where it is covered in practice, especially in a context where facial recognition is a priority for security services (Challenges to Facist Identity and Facial Identification, 2019; Facism as Superficial Intercultural Extremism, 2019). The geometrical implications are in process of exploration (Dan Liu, 3D Face Geometry Optimization Using Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics, Scientific Programming, 2022, 9959153).

Surfaces of Rubik's Cube as constituting potential magic squares

The earlier study of the Interplay of Sustainable Development Goals through Rubik Cube Variations (2017) focused first on Recognition of Rubik's Cube as a relevant strategic development metaphorand then on the Elusive requisite "magic" for sustainability? It then gave preliminary consideration to the Mapping 8 Millennium Development Goals onto the 3x3x3 surfaces of Rubik's Cube as shown below. The image on the left indicates a pattern of a magic square in which the rows, columns and diagonals each total to 15 -- known as the magic constant. The portion of the table on the right indicates the exploration of a possible mapping, as discussed there.

Relevance of a "magic square" configuration of Millennium Development Goals?
3x3 Magic square
(originally described by Lo Shu)
Towards an arrangement of Millennium Development Goals
around an empty centre
no change change to 9 no change
no change add 5 change to 7
change to 8 no change change to 6

Any question of "magic" raises the uestion as to whether any resolution of polarization could be appropriately understood as "magical". Rubik's Cube is occasional named as "Rubik's Magic Cube".

Question to ChatGPT: A further challenge might be added to the design in that a 3x3 surface is typically used to present the simplest form of magic square. Could this be usefully combined with the 3x3x3 design, especially given the challenge of magic cubes

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The further development of the earlier mapping included a discussion of:

Magic square of sustainability: from 3x3 to 4x4?
Beyond the superficial: engaging other sides as the hidden challenge of sustainability
Enhancing appreciation of a mapping through a variety of symbols, cultural and otherwise
Governance as an ongoing process of puzzle resolution
Aesthetic coherence essential to attraction of sustainability?

The exercise introduced the following presentation in virtual reality.

Screen shots of Millennium Development Goals applied to interactive Rubik's Cube in virtual reality
(provisional attribution for indicative purposes only)
"resolved condition" ? one twist (right face) two twists (bottom face)
Millennium Development Goals applied to interactive Rubik's Cube in virtual reality Millennium Development Goals applied to interactive Rubik's Cube in virtual reality Millennium Development Goals applied to interactive Rubik's Cube in virtual reality
Michael G. Wagner (original VRML code, 1998); Image rendering adaptation by Sergey Bederov (2017)
(Version with MDG images provisionally added: VRML)
Given the evolution of rendering of VRML through web browsers, in its current form the interactive features operate without difficulty using the Cortona3D plugin on Internet Explorer, whereas other browsers may well be constrained with regard to most features. [The application can also be downloaded to run on local domains if intranet security is modified as described here]

As previously discussed, and If only for mnemonic purposes, the linkages within the more elaborate pattern of 16 Sustainable Development Goals can be similarly represented -- holding the pattern of 16 SDGs together as an integrative systemic whole -- namely the linkages implied by the 17th SDG: Partnerships for the Goals. The model shown below could of course be improved in various ways. No effort has been made to address the issue of the relevant orientation of the icons on the faces, or of the faces in relation to one another. The lower-left image can of course be used to provide a set of stickers which could be applied to any 4x4x4 Rubik's Revenge Cube (a tabbed version can be used to cut-out and construct the model)

Indicative allocation of a 4x4 pattern of 16 SDGs to a 4x4x4 cube
(with indication of systemic patterning in the light of the magic square allocation of SDGs)
Cube presented with all sides Cube presented with one side rendered transparent
Sustainable Development Goals on Rubik Cube Sustainable Development Goals on Rubik Cube
Animtions prepared using Stella Polyhedron Navigator

Question to ChatGPT: Does your response (above) suggest that the design would involve allocating the array of numbers of the smallest (and unique up to rotation and reflection, non-trivial case of a magic square) of order 3 to every face -- effectively the "solution" to the puzzle. How would that attribution relate to that of a magic cube

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Question to ChatGPT: Considering only the attribution of the numbers 1 to 9 (excluding zero) on a 3x3 array (of a magic square) for each polar extreme invites further reflection on what each number might usefully signify in each case -- and why 15 would have particular symbolic significance as the magic constant of any solution.

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The earlier discussion of Enhancing appreciation of a mapping through a variety of symbols, cultural and otherwise (2017) noted the many variations of a Rubik-style cube. Aside from the increasing complexity associated with the number of squares per face, other kinds of variation have been explored as indicated by Dénes Ferenc (Shape Cube Modifications, Many feature as images on the web.

As might be expected, evolution of cube technology has resulted in products variously associated with the BaGua pattern of Chinese tradition. The BaGua arrangement has a further advantage in that it is traditionally believed to derive from one of the earliest magic squares -- the 3x3 Lo Shu Square -- which remains a focus of considerable mathematical interest. Histories of development of magic squares make repeated reference to its first recognition in China (Schuyler Cammann, The Magic Square of Three in Old Chinese Philosophy and Religion, History of Religions, 1, 1961, pp. 37-80; Frank J. Swetz, Legacy of the Luoshu: the 4,000 year search for the meaning of the magic square of order three. A K Peters, 2008).

Potential interpretation in the case of the Russia-Ukraine polarization

Question to ChatGPT: Given the case of the Russia-Ukraine polarity, could you speculate on what the numbers 1 through 9 might potentially signify on the pro-Russia magic square face of the cube -- in contrast to what they might signify on the opposite (pro-Ukraine ) face

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Of potential interest, whereas the magic constant for a 3x3 magic square is 15, that for a 4x4 square is 34, and that for a 5x5 square is 65.

Potential interpretation in the case of the Israel-Palestine polarization

Question to ChatGPT: Could you repeat that helpful result for the pro-Israel and pro-Palestine faces

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Potential interpretation in the case of the Vaccination-Antivaccination polarization

Question to ChatGPT: Could you repeat the exercise for the pro-Vaccination and anti-Vaccination polarity

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Adaptation to other threefold polarizing combinations

Question to ChatGPT: Any suggestion for a striking heading under tthis exchange could be posted on the web -- whether tongue-in-cheek or otherwise

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Question to ChatGPT: The device (and the title) suggests its potential application for other threefold sets of polarizations. Could you suggest an extended array of such divisive polarities which might be selected for the "game" -- perhaps in an interactive medium. Examples might include: Male-Female, Black-White, Young-Old, Leftwing-Rightwing

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Minimal number of "moves" for a solution -- "God's number"

With respect to the minimal number of moves required to resolve a scrambled Rubik's Cube, it is then intriguing to take account of mathematical interest in that matter. As noted by Wikipedia with respect to optimal solutions for Rubik's Cube, there are many algorithms to solve scrambled Rubik's Cubes. The term "God's number" is sometimes given to the graph diameter of Rubik's graph, which is the minimum number of turns required to solve a Rubik's cube from an arbitrary starting position (i.e., in the worst case). An algorithm that solves a cube in the minimum number of moves is known as God's algorithm. Ironically it is to that capacity that cubing enthusiasts aspire.

There are two common ways to measure the length of a solution to Rubik's Cube. The first is to count the number of quarter turns. The second is to count the number of outer-layer twists, called "face turns". The maximum number of face turns needed to solve any instance of the Rubik's Cube is 20 ( God's Number is 20, 14 August 2010). In the early days of cube mathematics, two camps emerged on how to measure the difficulty of a position -- one group tended to prefer the half-turn metric, where any twist of any face, whether 90 degrees, 180 degrees, or 270 degrees counted as a single move. Others tended to prefer the rigor of the quarter-turn metric, where a half-turn counted as two moves, since of course it could be accomplished by two consecutive quarter turns. In the quarter turn metric, the number is 26 (Tomas Rokicki, et al, God's Number is 26 in the Quarter-Turn Metric; Cleve Moler, Rubik’s Cube Superflips and God’s Number, 5 September 2022)

These numbers are also the diameters of the corresponding Cayley graphs of the Rubik's Cube group. (Tomas Rokicki, et al., The Diameter of the Rubik's Cube Group Is TwentySIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2013; God's Number is 20, 14 August 2010). That diameter is then known as "God's Number".

It is very difficult to estimate the God's number of the Rubik's Revenge mainly because the centre piece of it isn't fixed because of which OLL and PLL parities occur. However it is estimated to be between 30 and 33 (Paolo Brolin Echeverria and Joakim Westermark, Benchmarking Rubik's Revenge Algorithms, 2013; Tomas Rokicki, 4x4x4 upper bounds: 57 OBTM confirmed; 56 SST and 53 BT calculatedCube Archives, 3 Mary 2015; Bruce Norskog, God's algorithm calculations for the 4x4x4 "squares set", 4 March 2006; Bruce Norskog, The 4x4x4 can be solved in 79 moves (STM)).

Question to ChatGPT: Experts in the manipulation of Rubik's Cube are skilled in achieving a solution of any misconfiguration of the puzzle in seconds using a limited number of moves -- even speaking of a "God number". Are there implications for the design that has emerged from this exchange

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Question to ChatGPT: In considering the minimum number of moves (God's Number) to solve a scrambled Rubik's Cube -- adapted in this exchange to resolving polarization in global discourse -- how might a "move" be interpreted, especially given the distinction between half-turn and quarter turn metrics in cube mathematics

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Interpretation of "moves" through patterns of "steps"and Tai Chi?

Potentially to be understood as especially relevant to polarization, so-called twelve-step programs are international mutual aid programs supporting recovery from substance addictions, behavioral addictions and compulsions. Further elaboration of the pattern can be envisaged -- such as to "20-steps".

Question to ChatGPT: Could this interpretation be taken further and adapted to the pattern of moves required in any negotiation -- and the sequence. Might skilled negotiation only require some analogue to "20 moves". One potential comparison is offered by the 12-step facilitation therapies. Is a 20-step process required in the case of polarization

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Of relevance to any understanding of "moves" with cognitive implications is the two-person training routine known as pushing hands (push hands or tuishou) practiced in internal Chinese martial arts such as baguazhang, xingyiquan, tai chi, and yiquan. It is also played as an international sport akin to judo, sumo and wrestling

Question to ChatGPT: Another analogy of interest, and potentially more directly related to polarization of opinion, are the pushing hands patterns in Eastern martial arts. How many "moves" characterize such interactions, given the distinction between the patterns for beginners and those for advanced practitioners

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The understanding of pushing hands is closely related to the more general discipline of Tai Chi with its many "moves" and sets of moves. Especially distinguished is the 108-form Wu family variant -- with 108 "moves". Wikipedia offers an extensive List of tai chi forms, of sizes ranging through patterns of "sacred" numbers (including 12, 20, 26, 36, 54, 64, 72, 81, etc). (Contrasting preferences for N-fold organization in disconnected patterns, 2024; Embodiment of 108-foldness as ultimate spiritual challenge? 2024).

Question to ChatGPT: There is a distinction between the pushing hands approach and Tai Chi exercises such as the 108-form Wu family variant -- clearly embodying a complex number of moves -- with the irony that 108 is closely related symbolically with deity, seemingly analogous to "God's number"

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Question to ChatGPT: That response suggests that a paradoxical distinction is required between a more limited number of moves -- appropriate for "beginners" (in crudely resolving a polarization) -- and the subtlest form. An intermediary form is the 54-fold pattern of Tai Chi. Halving 108 in this way suggests the recognition of even cruder forms -- such as 27?

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Question to ChatGPT: An implication of that response is that the lower numbers require a tangible "other" in transforming polarization and its projection (as in pushing hands) whereas with the higher numbers the "other" is a virtual construct

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Harmonizing dissonance via polyhedral symmetry-preserving operations

Symmetry-preserving operations: Distinctive polyhedra may be created  through modification of a seed polyhedron by various prefix operations, as described by the Conway polyhedron notation, and discussed separately (Topological operations on polyhedra as indicative of cognitive operations, 2021). As noted above, the potential implications were considered in relation to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals((Systemic Coherence of the UN's 17 SDGs as a Global Dream, 2021).

The following example shows how 11 new forms can be derived from the cube using 3 operations (named dual, ambo and kis). The new polyhedra are shown as maps on the surface of the cube so the topological changes are more apparent. Combinations of the three basic operations are sufficient for generation of the Platonic and Archimedean polyhedra:

Conway relational chart
Showing 12 forms created by 3 operations on the cube
Conway relational chart for polyhedra
Tomruen at English Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Other operations have been distinguished, together constituting a more conventional total of 13; these have been extended in the Antiprism application of Adrian Rossiter to a further set of 18 -- although how they might together be understood as a set remains unclear (Conway Notation Transformation, Antiprism; Wythoff-style constructions, Antiprism). Examples of local symmetry-preserving operations on a cube ordered by increasing inflation rate, as generated by the Antiprism application, are presented separately (Operations transforming polyhedra as modelling transformations of dialogue coherence, 2021).

It is intriguing to note that the Conway operations shown above emphasize how a range of symmentrical polyhedra can be derived from the cube with its simple symmetry. The challenge with the respect to the solution of Rubik's Cube is the sequence of operations whereby an asymmetrical condition can be rendered symmetrical -- namely the reverse -- achieving the cube and its simple symmetry. The question is whether and how the opposing sets of moves might be reconciled. One approach is through the recognition that the sequences of Conway operations result in the articulation of conditions which could be understood as increasingly "polarized" -- even though symmetry is preserved.

Move notation with the Rubik's Cube: There is considerble interest in describing and recording the "moves" required to solve a Rubil's Cube. Many 3×3×3 enthusiasts use a notation developed by David Singmaster to denote a sequence of moves, referred to as "Singmaster notation" or simple "Cube notation" (Notes on Rubik's Magic Cube', 1981). Its relative nature allows algorithms to be written in such a way that they can be applied regardless of which side is designated the top or how the colours are organised on a particular cube. Other desxriptions are offered (Notation, WikiCube; Rubik's Cube Notation, Ruwix).

Rubik's Cube Singmaster Notation
Basic moves Multiple moves
  • F (Front): the side currently facing the solver
  • B (Back): the side opposite the front
  • U (Up): the side above or on top of the front side
  • D (Down): the side opposite the top, underneath the Cube
  • L (Left): the side directly to the left of the front
  • R (Right): the side directly to the right of the front
  • f (Front two layers): the side facing the solver and the corresponding middle layer
  • b (Back two layers): the side opposite the front and the corresponding middle layer
  • u (Up two layers): the top side and the corresponding middle layer
  • d (Down two layers): the bottom layer and the corresponding middle layer
  • l (Left two layers): the side to the left of the front and the corresponding middle layer
  • r (Right two layers): the side to the right of the front and the corresponding middle layer
  • x (rotate): rotate the entire Cube on R
  • y (rotate): rotate the entire Cube on U
  • z (rotate): rotate the entire Cube on F

The letters L, R, F, B, U, and D indicate a clockwise quarter turn of the left, right, front, back, up, and down face respectively. A half turn (i.e. 2 quarter turns in the same direction) are indicated by appending a 2. A counterclockwise turn is indicated by appending a prime symbol (' ).

Rubik's Cube Move Notation
Adapted from Isaac Chen (Rubik's Cube algorithms for machines, Medium, 3 February 2021)

Question to ChatGPT: The literature on the mathematics of Rubik's Cube makes extensive reference to symmetry but it is unclear how the operations on the cube relate to the operations identified by Conway's symmetry-preserving operations [Michael Reid, Symmetric Rubik's Cube positions, 2005; Alexander Chuang, Analyzing the Rubik's Cube Group of Various Sizes and Solution Methods; Yuhan Deng Yishing Zhuo, Research on the group theory based on the perspective of the Rubiks Cube, Theoretical and Natural Science 9, 2023, 1; Jaap Scherphuis, Rubik's Cube symmetries and pretty patterns, Jaap's Puzzle Page]. Is there a relationship with those operations or with a subset

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Question to ChatGPT: Given your indication that there was an issue retrieving detailed information on the relationship between the mathematics of Rubik's Cube, its symmetry aspects, etc... could the question be posed otherwise

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Question to ChatGPT: Could you develop option 4

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Question to ChatGPT: Could you develop option 3

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Distinguishing "moves" in a polarization negotiation process

Question to ChatGPT: That helpful articulation refers to "moves" in negotiation in recognizable generic language. Given the investment in negotiation and mediation processes, does the literature offer any detailed articulation of the potential steps in such a process, or how they might be strategically combined

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Question to ChatGPT: That is indeed a reasonable reponse. Missing would appear to be the cognitive transformations associated with such stages -- variously familiar to skilled salesman or chess players. The reference to "Getting to Yes" helps to make the point that processes like the "Harvard Negotiation Project" would seem to have been proven to be totally inadequate to the polarizations exemplified above: Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine, Vaccination-Antivax -- or Korea (North)-Korea (south), China-Taiwan, etc

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Question to ChatGPT: The difficulty in that response with the suggestions for addressing inadequacies is that they are readily promoted by interested parties -- despite a long track record of failures in practice. The articulation in that response of cognitive transformations implies a set of "moves" which calls for representation in another language less susceptible to "waffling expertise" in the face of challenging polarization. Understood in game theory terms, there is presumably a need to transcend the pattern of "games people play" as reviewed by transaction analysis -- but potentially requiring representation in another language

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Relevance of knot theory to untangling geopolitical polarization

Question to ChatGPT: A degree of comparison is explored [above] between the moves required to solve a scrambled Rubik's Cube and the moves associated with the Conway polyhedral symmetry- preserving operations. It is of course the case that Conway developed a related notation for knots. Could you therefore comment on any possible relevance of knot theory to the untangling of the knots of geopolitical polarization [Louis H. Kauffman, et al, On the classification of rational tangles, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 33, 2004, 2; J. H. Conway, An enumeration of knots and links and some of their algebraic properties, 1970 ]

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Metaphorical reference continues to be made to the legendary Gordian Knot by which Alexander the Great was faced (Engaging globally with knots and riddles -- Gordian and otherwise, 2018):

Question to ChatGPT: Given the credibility of the possibility, do you have any trace of the application of knot theory to international conflict resolution

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Question to ChatGPT: Whilst you have been unable to find any trace of the application of knot theory to geopolitical issues, it i of course the case that the legendary Gordian Knot continues to be cited with respect to current strategic difficulties

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There are fundamental implications to the question as to whether the tangle of polarizations constitutes a single knot (the primary focus of knot theory) or derives from two or more cords. The first case is consistent with assumptions of fundamental unity. The second is consistent with assumptions of the radical distinction between the extremes of the polarization, and its relation to other polarizations. The first case is explored separately with multiple illustrations (Cyclic Representation of Coherence as Knots and Otherwise, 2022). This focuses on the interestingness of curves of increasing complexity in relation to sustainability.

Question to ChatGPT: With respect to knot theory, is it primarily the case that a knot involves a single cord, or how is a distinction made from the case of two or more

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Question to ChatGPT: Whilst knot theory is indeed used to analyze tangles, is there any trace of a systematic approach to untangling knots

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Question to ChatGPT: This is clear, but the reference to "without altering its fundamental essence" is curiously reminiscent of the symmetry-preserving operations on polyhedra -- with implications for geopolitical tangles

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The following images reframe the question as to whether any set of three geopoliticl polarizations (eg Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine, Vaccination-Antivaccination) are completely distinct, integrated into a unity at some fundamental level, or distinct (but interlocked). These possibilities can be explored as a matter of perception and insight. The illusion that they are not fundamentally integrated can be interpreted through the trefoil. The manner in which they are distinct (but possibly interlocked) can be explored through the Borromean ring configuration. The indications of polarization can be explored both through distinctive colours in fhe images and the geometry of the orientation of their elements. Labels could be variously associated with the distinctive features in the images.

Aspects of the question are discussed separately (Cognitive embodiment of knots: knotting and knitting processes, 2021). The fundamental significance recently attached to the Mereon Trefoil is described by Louis Kauffman (Pattern, Sign and Space: Mereon Thoughts. 2003). Otherwise known and visualized as the Mereon Matrix, its potential significance is elaborated in a far more extensive work (Louis H Kauffman, et al, The Mereon Matrix: everything connected through (k)nothing, 2018; frontmatter).

Visual clues to understanding 3-way geopolitical polarization
Trefoil knot Borromean ring configuration
Tricoloured variant Topological variant
Mereon trefoil
Stable Concept Triple
(Gordon Pask)
International Mathematical Union emblem
Trefoild knot symbolizing the Abrahamic religions Trefoild knot animation Rotation of the Mereon Trefoil pattern Concept Triple linked as a Borromean Ring Emblem of International Mathematical Union based on Borromean rings
By Jim.belk [Public domain],
from Wikimedia Commons
By Philip Rideout [CC BY-SA 3.0 ],
from Wikimedia Commons
From Cognitive embodiment of knots: knotting and knitting processes (2021) From Nick Green (Axioms from Interactions of Actors Theory, 2004) from Wikimedia Commons

Harmonizing dissonance through patterns of colour

Question to ChatGPT: Could you develop the comments on the underlying relationship between the notation of moves with respect to Rubik's Cube and Conway's notation for symmetry-preserving operations. Intuitively it would seem that both are instances of a more generic perspective. An additional clue is offered by the 6-colors of Rubik's Cube. The Conway operations would seem to "combine" [blend] 2 or 3 distinct colors in an orderly manner, offering an extended spectrum of colors. This could be readily presented in animations

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Question to ChatGPT: Given that response, it would seem that you could readily list the "secondary" colours generated through the combination of each of the 6 basic colours of the solved Rubik Cube. At an "edge", red and blue together generate one new colour if subject to one Conway operation. At a "vertex" red, blue and white together generate another. Can you list the array of such possibilities, perhaps presenting the question more usefully in relation to the distinct Conway operations

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Question to ChatGPT: The standard visual representation of Conway's polyhedral notation with regard to a cube, suggests that the articulation of the previous response could allow for an alternatively coloured visualization of the results of the dual, ambo and kis operations. Could you comment further

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Question to ChatGPT: Although that response suggests that the exercise is physically impractical, there is surely no constraint on performing it through virtual animations. Of some relevance. These would offer the possibility of indicating the consequence of the extended set of related operations elaborated by Conway: a (ambo), b (bevel), d (dual), e (expand), g (gyro), j (join), k (kis), m (meta), o (ortho), s (snub), and t (truncate) -- with the addition by Hart of r (reflect) and p (propellor). It is however less immediately evident how the extended set would relate to "moves" with a Rubik Cube

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Harmonizing dissonance through patterns of musical tones

Question to ChatGPT: This exchange was initiated in relation to the resolution of polarization, potentially under the heading of harmonizing dissonance in global society. In the light of the responses with respect to Conway's symmetry-preserving operations can these be understood as a geometrical metaphor for harmonizing dissonance -- notably in the light of any connotations in musical theory

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Question to ChatGPT: In a previous segment of this exchange you indicated a potential correspondence between 8 types of musical canon and Conway's symmetry-preserving operations. Could you comment further in the light of the above responses

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Question to ChatGPT: The exchange has explored the relation between Rubik's Cube and polarization, understood in metaphorical terms -- with contrasting polar elements on the complementary opposing colored faces of the solved cube. Consideration was given, again metaphorically to the number of moves to achieve solution -- and God's number of 20. My current question is whether there is any trace of references to association (of portions) of an octave of tones with the faces of such a cube

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Question to ChatGPT: My argument has been that the Rubik move focus, or the Conway symmetry-preserving operations, suggest a more generic understanding through mathematical abstractions. Hence the question about tones, and possibly the Tonnetz, and how a set of tones might be meaningfully mapped onto such a cube -- given the possible transpositions

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Question to ChatGPT: Can you indicate literature in which the Tonnetz is mapped onto some cubic framework. I am aware of the mapping onto a torus

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Harmonizing discourse through embodied movement and dance

There is developing interest in the cognitive implications of bodily movement (Maxine Sheets-Johnstone, The Primacy of Movement, 2011; Mark Johnson, The Meaning of the Body: aesthetics of human understanding, 2007, The Body in the Mind: the bodily basis of meaning, imagination, and reason, 1987).

Question to ChatGPT: Switching metaphorical focus, the Laban dance notation is defined in polyhedral terms. My question is the extent to which it can be mapped onto some generic understanding of the Rubik Cube -- given the "moves" associated with dance. Is there any literature trace of the use of a cube for body movement

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Question to ChatGPT: That response is consistent with recognition of the many movement sequences in Tai Chi, notably patterns of 26, 54, 108. In a previousy segment of this exchange allusion was made to the relation to God's number of 20 in the Rubik's Cube context and potential equivalents in Tai Chi -- given the symbolic importance of sets of moves. The question is whether the Tai Chi moves have been related in the literature to polyhedral configurations as explored with the Laban notation

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Question to ChatGPT: Rather than the limb and muscle focus of dance, the nature of Tai Chi suggests that there a cognitive transformations associated with steps in any set of moves. Do you have any trace of how these cognitive "positions" are distinguished

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Question to ChatGPT: That response would seem to conflate the cognitive merits of Tai Chi with those of exercise more generally. As in the sequence of moves in some Hatha Yoga practices, those of Tai Chi are potentially associated with cognitive "states" -- then emphasizing the shifts between them in a sequence of movements

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Question to ChatGPT: In the light of that response, is there no trace of the distinct cognitive states understood to be "embodied" (or enhanced) in particular moves in the sequence

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Speculative possibilities for future consideration

Implications of more complex magic squares: Whereas the 3x3 magic square is celebrated dor its Chinese origins, it is somewhat ironic to note the wider interests of Benjamin Franklin, as one of the  Founding Fathers of the United States. Franklin was a recognized polymath and one of the most influential personalities of his time. He is recognized as having been the most intimately involved in the elaboration of the US Constitution, as discussed separately (Magic square integrity and implications for the US Constitution, 2015) One of Franklin's far less recognized accomplishments, however, was his exploration of magic squares, and even magic circles, as noted by Paul Pasles (Franklin Squares 2006; Benjamin Franklin's Numbers: an unsung mathematical odyssey, Princeton University Press, 2007) and by Maya Mohsin Ahmed (Unraveling the secret of Benjamin Franklin: constructing Franklin squares of higher order, 23 September 2015).

It could then be asked whether those skills offer valuable clues to any process of "salvation" -- in response to the crisis od polarization (Salvation Enabled by Systemic Comprehension -- Via aesthetics of magic squares? 2015). One approach to a response is through further insight into what makes the experience of magical squares so "magical".

Franklin called his 16x16 magic square the most magically magical of any magic square ever made by a magician -- with which many mathematicians and mystics would now be held to agree (Peter Loly, Franklin Squares: a chapter in the scientific studies of magical squares, University of Manitoba, 2006; William H. RichardsonBen Franklin's Amazing Magic Square [including animation], Wichita State University; Ben Franklin's 8x8 Magic Square, Wichita State University).

Franklin's 16x16 magic squares: animations of movement of selected bent diagonals
Vertical movement Combined movement Horizontal movement
Franklin's 16x16 magic squares: animation of vertical movement of bent diagonals Franklin's 16x16 magic squares: animation of combined movement of bent diagonals Franklin's 16x16 magic squares: animation of horizontal movement of bent diagonals
Reproduced from Magic square integrity and implications for the US Constitution (2015)

Consideration fof 1.5 as a magic constant: Rather than the magic constant of 15, as discussed above, there is a case for speculative consideration of a constant of 1.5 -- given the importance accorded to it worldwide during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic -- as discussed separately (Humanity's Magic Number as 1.5? 2020). It is then possible to explore 1.5 as a dimensionless constant governing civilization and its potential collapse.

As indicated in the table, a magic square is one in which the columns, rows and diagonals all total to the same amount -- in this case 1.5

Possible indications of a 3x3 magic square of constant 1.5
Speculative application of magic square of constant 1.5   Speculative application of magic square of constant 1.5

Magic cube: Given the focus above on Rubik's Cube, occasionally qualified as "Rubik's Magic Cube", there is a case for exploring the cubic equivalent of a magic square -- termed a magic cube by mathematicians. This frames the possibility that the magic square possibilities considered above may prove to be inadequate to the challenge of polarization. As with the magic square, there a different classes of magic cube. The simplest is indicated below, with , all lines parallel to the faces, and all 4 space diagonals summing correctly to a magic constant of 42. No planar diagonals are required to sum correctly.

Example of a 3 × 3 × 3 simple magic cube.
3x3x3 simple magic cube 3x3x3 simple magic cube
Cmglee, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Whereas the magic constant for the 3x3x3 magic cube is 42, that for the 4x4x4 cube is 130, for the 5x5x5 cube it is 315, for the 6x6x6 cube it is 6x6x6, for the 7x7x7 cube it is 1372, for the 8x8x8 cube it is 2600.

Question to ChatGPT: The potential relevance of a magic cube was noted in passing in this exchange. Could you comment on the different classes of such cubes and the complexity which their "magic" represents

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Question to ChatGPT: Can you indicate any trace of applications of magic cubes to psychosocial relations

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Odour mapping on a Rubik's cube? Curiously underlying the cognitive aspects of polarization are metaphorical references to odour. This is most readily evident in the metaphors associated with public relations. Considerable efforts may be made to alleviate or enhance the perceived "stench" of the parties in dispute. This may be related to metaphorical references to the "chemistry" between leaders of opposing factions (The Franco-German relationship: the awkward partners France's Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany's Angela Merkel, The Economist, 13 March 2008; François Hollande's chemistry with Angela Merkel crucial for Europe, The Guardian, 7 May 2012).

Recent research has increased the possibility of mapping the relationship between odours into geometrical configurations (Brian K. Lee et al, A principal odor map unifies diverse tasks in olfactory perception, Science, 381, 2023, 6661; Jason Castro, How to make a map of smell, Aeon, 2 April 2024).

Potential relevance of Chinese Bagua insights to "depolarization" via Rubik's Cube?

Question to ChatGPT: With respect to the Lo Shu origins of the simplest magic square and the extent of Chinese academic studies of Rubik's Cube, it is not surprising to note the existence of a "Bagua Cube" -- given the importance of the Bagua framework to Chinese philosophy. Do you have any trace of literature exploring how these seemingly disparate frameworks are related

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Question to ChatGPT: This exchange has specifically considered the Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine and Vaccination-Antivax polarizations. Only mentioned in passing were the China-Taiwan and two Koreas. In the light of the above response, is there any trace of the application of Bagua principles to those conflicts -- especially given the trigram configurations on the Korean flags

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The following correspondences feature in an extensive discussion by Quincy Robinson and Paul Martyn-Smith (Evidence of Modern Physical Knowledge from Asiatic Antiquity: Re-integration: Nine Realms of Middle Earth, 2015).

Correspondences between Lo Shu, Ba Gua and magic square patterns
Classic Ba Gua arrangements
("earlier heaven" below,
and "later heaven" above).
Correspondences BaGua configuration of trigrams
(as an animation)
Classic Ba Gua arrangements Correspondences between Lo Shu, Ba Gua and magic square patterns Animation of BaGua configuration of trigrams

The clearest example of a model adapted to virtual reality is the Bagua Cube by André Boulouard and Walter Randelshofer (Chinese Bagua Cube Design, 2008). The latter includes extensive commentary and many illustrations. The designers have made their design available under a Creative Commons License, as implemented on the left below. No effort has been made to address the issue of the relevant orientation of the icons on the faces, or of the faces in relation to one another.

Chinese Bagua Cube
Implementation of design
by André Boulouard and
Walter Randelshofer
Fu Xi ("Earlier Heaven")
and King Wen ("Later Heaven")
arrangements placed in opposition
Fu Xi ("Earlier Heaven")
and King Wen ("Later Heaven")
arrangements placed in opposition
Chinese Bagua Cube Chinese bagua on Rubik's  Cube Bagua trigrams on  Rubik Cube
tabbed version for model construction tabbed version for model construction tabbed version for model construction
Images prepared using Stella Polyhedron Navigator

A physical model that is far more complex than the original cube is usefully described in one summary (Konrad's Overview: How to solve the Bagua Cube; How to solve the Dayan Bagua Cube). Neither model endeavours to provide any particular focus on the cognitive implications of the BaGua symbols -- which may (or may not) be of particular significance to its users.

Relevance to a potential "two-state" solution?

There has been extensive debate on a "two-state" solution with respect to the Iarael-Palestine polarization over a long period (Giora Eiland, The Future of the Two-State Solution, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 8, 2009, 22; Beate Zilversmidt, Two-state solution-discredited – without workable alternative, The Other Israel, May 2006; Cameron Hunt, Two-State Chimera, No-State Solution: Why there won't ever be two 'states, Counter Currents, May 2007).

It is however extraordinary to note that reflection on the matter is constrained by 19th centrury concepts of a "state" and the implications regarding statehood throught the 20th century. The diffidence with which "statehood" is discussed at the highest level is astounding (Penny Wong hints at potential recognition of Palestinian statehood, SBS, 9 April 2024).

It would seem that no effort is made to explore a range of insights from mathematics and geometry in that regard, as separately argued (And When the Bombing Stops? Territorial conflict as a challenge to mathematicians, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 61, 1999; Neglect of Higher Dimensional Solutions to Territorial Conflicts, 2024). This is all the more strange in the light of insights of potential value from international relations, such as those of Alexander Wendt (Quantum Mind and Social Science, 2015; Social Theory of International Politics, 1999). Given the curious status of Jerusalem with respect to any higher dimensional order of significance to the engaged religions, any understanding of a "singularity" otherwise merits exploration

It is of course the case that innovative "two-state" reflection also merits consideration in relation to the polarized debate regarding the two Koreas or China-Taiwan. Yet seemingly there is little trace of the application of insightful mathematics -- or the call for it. There is no checklist of the possibilities that might be fruitful.

Question to ChatGPT: A particular implication of this exchange on polarization relates to current debate on the possibilities of negotiated solutions to Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine -- exemplified in the latter case by arguments for a "two-state solution".

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Question to ChatGPT: It is however extraordinary to note that conceptualization of "two-state" solutions seemingly takes no account of other possibilities. There is no sense that any form of advanced mathematics, logic or game theory is deployed in the articulation of possibilities -- or considered desirable -- and no recognition of such possibilities in the literature. Can you confirm this reliance on 19th century understandings of state constitution

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Question to ChatGPT: That response indicates that "there is also a recognition -- albeit limited". Can you indicate any relevant references or summaries of that recognition

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Question to ChatGPT: Unfortunately many of those examples would be recognized by critics in any polarized dispute as being as much "part of the problem" as "part of the solution" -- especially when elaborated by parties subservient to particular agendas in that dispute. Missing is any recognition that until initiatives are sufficiently self-reflexive to recognize how they are part of the problem it would seem that they are unable to encompass the dimensions of the dispute. Their obscurity and inaccessibility contrasts with the familiarity at all levels of society with "Rubik-Cube language" and the potential for its elaboration.

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Question to ChatGPT: With respect to any "two-state" solution to territorial conflict -- as with Israel-Palestine, the two Koreas, or China-Taiwan -- a case can be made for the merit of exploring insights from mathematics, geometry, tiling theory, higher dimensionality, time-sharing and the like -- in contrast to the over-simplistic mechanical lego-like options which are typically discussed. Do you have any trace of such possibilities in contrast to those you have just cited

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Question to ChatGPT: Do you have any references to the possible application of these techniques to the "two-state" challenge. Perhaps the question could be framed otherwise in the quest for techniques of potential relevance, as with Alexander Wendt's reference to quantum approaches

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Question to ChatGPT: Rather than citing the more obvious potential of such particular branches of mathematics, and given the urgency of a "two-state" solution (and its quantum implications), is there a case for a more extensive listing of mathematical specializations with their potential value for such a solution -- as is done with "environmental impact statements"

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Question to ChatGPT: Do you have any comment on why there is little interest -- or none -- in the application of possibilities which are a typical feature of advanced research, despite the apparent urgency of a "two-state" solution in geopolitical terms

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Question to ChatGPT: It might be assumed that AI could provide a mediating function in rendering credible the potentials offered by the complex insights to which you refer. Or could your analysis of the difficulties be compared to the challenge of educating the unskilled in chess and the game of go

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Question to ChatGPT: Although it is appropriate to refer to the challenges of "irrationality", is the challenge not better stated as that of reconciling contrasting "rationalities" -- requiring a meta-perspective which AI might enable

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Question to ChatGPT: The earlier segments of this exchange explored a variant of Rubik's Cube in which the sides of the cubelets were labelled with Bagua symbols. With each Bagua set corresponding to a "polarized" perspective, "solving" a scrambled version of the cube would require getting each of the 6 Bagua forms onto the separate sides of the cube. Do you have any comment on the symbolism of this process

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Christoph Brandelow. Inside the Rubik’s Cube and Beyond. Birkhauser, 1982

Janet Chen. Group theory and the Rubik’s cube. Harvard University, 2007

Alexander H. Frey Jr and David Singmaster. Handbook of Cubik Math. The Lutterworth Press, 2010

Susantha Goonatilake. Toward a Global Science: Mining Civilizational Knowledge. Indiana University Press 1999.

Michael Hutchings. The Mathematics of Rubik’s Cube. University of California, 2022 [text]

Carl Joakim Isaksen. Rubik's cube and Group Theory. MS thesis, 2012

David Joyner:

Louis H. Kauffman, Jytte Brender Mcnair, Lynnclaire Dennis. The Mereon Matrix: everything connected through (k)nothing. World Scientific, 2018

Hannah Provenza. Group Theory and the Rubik's Cube. University of Chicago, 2009

T. Rokicki. Towards God’s number for Rubik’s Cube in the quarter-turn metric. The College Mathematics Journal, 45, 2014, 4

K.-S. Shih. Weighted Permutations and the Group of the Rubik’s Cube. Chinese Journal of Mathematics, 9, 1981, 2

David Singmaster:

Raymond Tran. A Mathematical Approach To Solving Rubik's Cube. University of British Columbia, 2005 [text]

Michale Travis. The Mathematics of the Rubik’s Cube. University of Chicago, 2007

Alexander Wendt:

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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