6th April 2008 | Draft
Governing Civilization through Civilizing
Global challenge for a turbulent future
-- / --
Prepared on the occasion of the
3rd Annual Conference organized by the
Governance Group of the
School of Athens
(NSOA): Theme:
Making Global Governance Work: Lessons
from the Past. Solutions for the Future (Athens, 2-5 April 2008). [In case
of difficulties in printing/viewing this document, a
version may be more convenient]. Some arguments have been further developed
in a sequel
Towards Polyhedral
Global Governance: complexifying oversimplistic strategic metaphors (2008)
Introduction: presentation sequence / structure
meta-themes ("about" responding to the
Part A:
-- Contemporary "myths" governing the relationships
of governance and civil society? (Fig. 1)
-- Civilizing governance vs Governance of civilization?
-- Potential response conventionally presented : "Thinking" and "Doing" (Fig.
Part B:
-- Challenge of governance: metaphorical impoverishment?
-- Cognitive challenges of governance
-- A necessarily questionable "open source" articulation?
Part C:
-- Integrative schematic: Resolutique and Problematique
-- with Imaginatique
& Irresolutique
(Fig. 3)
-- Circular configuration of Thinking/Doing categories (Fig.
4a, Fig. 4b)
-- Elaborating a richer "global identique"
-- Interdependence of governance / civil society initiatives (Fig. 5)
Part D:
-- Detailed articulation of tabular presentation of Thinking/Doing (with indicative
Introduction: presentation sequence / structure
Consideration is first given, in a preamble, to the ways
in which the challenges and opportunities of governance are explored -- seen
as being fundamental to any improvement to the more obvious, frequently
debated, issues of governance and civil society.
In Part A, this exploration first highlights a sets of "myths"
governing the relationship between governance and civil society in a global
context. It then notes a selection of past assessments of
the challenges and status of non-state actors and relations to them and
between them -- for the process of civilizing governance for the governance
of civilization. This provides a context for a tabular checklist of 16 items
of future "thinking"
and "doing" in relation to governance.
In Part B, the probability is first highlighted that collective thinking regarding
the future of governance, and the relations between organizations, is metaphorically
impoverished in ways that inhibit the viable creativity that is increasingly
essential. Consideration is then given to the cognitive challenges
of governance in
a knowledge-based society. However the present knowledge society is populated
by a multiplicity of more or less definitive
"models". What then follows is therefore most usefully considered
as a "non-model" that
highlights the design challenge of knowledge tools in support of governance
that recognizes the interweaving dynamics of problematique, resolutique, imaginatique
and irresolutique -- inspired by "open source" as
a metaphor.
In Part C, an integrative schematic is then presented
to hold resolutique and problematique together with imaginatique and irresolutique.
This is then used to hold a circular representation of the tabular checklist
in a simpler and
more elaborate version. Their relevance to any global
identique is then briefly discussed, prior to a tentative indication of
the necessary
interdependencies of the thinking/doing initiatives.
In Part D a detailed articulation of the contents of
the tabular checklist (of Part A), with indication of relevant
documents (containing their own checklists and appropriate references).
The considerations below follow from the author's former responsibility for
the Yearbook of International Organizations, the Encyclopedia
of World Problems and Human Potential (from 1976) and development
of their online databases -- through the Union
of International Associations.
This included development and maintenance of bibliographic databases on the
problematique and resolutique, and included an International
Organization Bibliography and Resources (from 1983). Web links to studies
by the author in that context are used here as a means of elaborating
specific arguments. [Whereas the following is a clustering from a governance
a complementary clustering enphasizing a futures perspective is
provided separately (Enabling
Strategies for Viable Futures, 2009)].
Preamble: meta-themes ("about" responding to the challenge)
The way in which the challenges and opportunities of governance are explored
is as much a part of the challenge as the insights and possibilities that emerge
from that process and how it might be improved. Some considerations:
- most of the topics have been (urgently) debated extensively over
raising the question of what is deficient in this process:
- it is readily assumed that social reality as it is experienced corresponds
unambiguously, and for all concerned, to the categories which have been defined
to apprehend it; this is notably the case with respect to "civil society"
and its various components as discussed elsewhere:
- there is consequently a degree of "definitional game-playing" (and
diplomatic tokenism) that reinforces assumptions about how different actors
can be targetted, positioned and mobilized, most recently evident
in the post 9/11 conflation of legislation on dissident civil society bodies
with anti-terrorism measures:
- a stable context of distinct, well-bounded, concrete features tends
to be assumed when an unstable, dynamic, porous, hybridizing and virtual
context is increasingly demonstrated and predicted
(as highlighted below):
- this notably applies to any relationship between: "governance" and
"civil society", "static" and "non-static" actors,
"legal" and "illegal" initiatives, "profit-making" and "non-profit-making"
agendas, etc
- given the challenge of voter apathy, democratic deficit and broken
commitments on deliverables, it is increasingly less important whether "government" has
any useful appreciation of "civil society" and more important
whether civil society has any appreciation of government
- there is a probability that the same mistakes are made in reframing
governance as have been encountered in responding to the problematique itself:
- mirroring: the "vehicles" for understanding are currently as generative
of problems as automobiles
- inappropriate objectivity inhibiting appropriate self-reflexivity
- inappropriate answers inhibiting appropriate questions
- inappropriate directives inhibiting appropriate non-directives
- inappropriate projects inhibiting appropriate generative metaphors
- given the questionable response to resolutions, declarations and global
plans, the challenge for governance is to find better ways to elicit, order
and communicate arrays of initiatives such as to render them collectively
comprehensible, credible and engaging -- aesthetic approaches with mnemonic
qualities may be the key:
There is therefore a case for reframing the "rules of engagement" with which
these matters are envisaged and considered such as to:
- factor in the above developments beyond current "myths"
- provide specific points of focus: thinking and doing
- explore the nature of any integrative context through
which they can be credibly framed
- shift cognitively "upstream" to an appropriately vigilant, self-reflexive
"stance" (in martial arts terms)
Recognition of meta-challenges of global governance? |
The significant problems we face can not be solved at the same
level of thinking
we were at when we created them. (Einstein)
To repeat the same thing over and over again,
and yet to expect a different
result, this is a form of insanity. (Einstein) |
Contemporary "myths" governing the relationships
of governance and civil society?
Figure 1: Relationships of governance
and civil society? |
Prevailing "myths"?
Emergent "reality"? |
stable |
dynamic (turbulent) |
linear development |
non-linear development (complex) |
distinct, well-bounded |
diffuse, porous |
concrete (globalization) |
virtual (globalization) |
objective / explicit reality |
subjective / implicit / tacit reality |
factual, evidence-based reality |
image-dependent, faith-based reality |
geo-politically containable issue dynamics |
subject to global geo-political issue dynamics |
non-disruptive (predictable) surprises |
disruptive (unpredictable) surprises (Black Swan) |
probability of long-term evolution |
probability of system collapse |
culture independent |
culture dependent |
preference/bias independent |
preference/bias dependent |
personality independent |
personality dependent |
manageable information flows |
information overload/underuse |
adequate attention quality/time for governance |
inadequate attention quality/time for governance |
transparent "due processes" |
non-transparent "undue processes" (classified, secret) |
corruption-free processes |
corruption-endemic processes |
insensitivity to unforeseen feedback |
hypersensitivity to unforeseen feedback |
reliable allies / opponents |
unreliable allies / surprising friendships |
slowly changing allegiances |
rapidly shifting allegiances |
dependable/reliable actors/agents |
unreliable (rogue) agents/actors |
tradition-dependent viability |
change-dependent viability |
reliability of "tried and tested" methods |
urgent need for "new thinking" |
reliable, non-problematic technologies |
unreliable, problematic technologies |
reliable resources |
unreliable resources |
sustainable initiatives/processes |
unsustainable initiatives/processes |
capacity to elicit relevant feedback on complex issues |
questionable capacity to elicit relevant feedback |
capacity to deliver on commitments |
questionable capacity to deliver on commitments |
negligible cognitive gap between governors and governed |
challenging cognitive gap between governors and governed |
"typewriter" knowledge mindset |
"web-related" knowledge mindset |
cognitively unchallenged |
cognitively challenged |
reliance on duly certified authorities |
reliance on practice, experience and capacity |
well-defined (chain of) responsibility |
plausibly deniable (network) of responsibility |
Governance might be considered to be significantly challenged by a "myth" that
democratic processes do "work" -- especially given widespread claims
of vote rigging, even in the most "democratic" societies. It is in
this context that popular feedback processes have been rendered suspect --
as exemplified by scandals regarding BBC participative
phone-ins. What is presented as popular participation
and feedback by millions, notably to their representatives and to overburdened
international institutions, might be understood as having a probability of
success analogous to that of national lotteries
-- credible only to the "mathematically
How is democracy to be expected to work elsewhere, given the importance attached
to provisions for armed militias in the Second Amendment, seen as essential
to the coherence of the US Constitution -- and given the challenge to democracy
by armed militias elsewhere (Arming
Civil Society Worldwide, 2003)
Civilizing governance vs Governance of civilization?
Challenges and assessments have been variously documented:
- Future
of United Nations - Civil Society Relations: 257 questions in assessing
the Report of the Panel of Eminent Persons in relation to the challenges
of the 21st Century. 2004
- Recent Breakthroughs
in Civil Society Research: Reactive vs Proactive Exploration of Opportunities
and Alternatives? 2004
- Arming
Civil Society Worldwide: Getting democracy to work in the emergent American
Empire? 2003
- Global
Civil Society: strategic comments on the path ahead, 2003
- Framing
NGOs in the Market for Change: comment on the report by SustainAbility,
- Undermining
Open Civil Society: Reinforcing unsustainable restrictive initiatives,
- Interacting Fruitfully
with Un-Civil Society: the dilemma for non-civil society organizations, 1996
- NGOs and
Civil Society - some realities and distortions: the challenge of "Necessary-to-Governance
Organizations" (NGOs), 1995
- Levels
of Civil Society and Public Policy Implications, 1994
- Problems
Hindering Action of International Nongovernmental Organizations,
- The Associative
Society of the Future, 1979
- Comparative Evaluation of Different Types of International
- International
Organizations and the Generation of the Will to Change, 1970
- Evaluation of
International Organizations: the need, current efforts, qualitative and
quantitative methods, 1969
Whereas the Universal Declaration of Human Rights makes it clear that "individuals"
are not called upon to prove their right to exist or their social utility,
there continues to be a sense that groupings of individuals in associations
can be fruitfully called upon (even aggressively so) to prove to the satisfaction
of others, according to the criteria of others, their right to exist and their
social utility. There is no Universal
Declaration of the Rights of Human Organization (1971).
Potential response conventionally presented: "Thinking" and "Doing"
Figure 2: Tentative clustering of "Thinking" and "Doing" items
The significance of problematique, resolutique, imaginatique
and irresolutique is discussed below
Issues of viability and security of (non)governance
systems are common to many of the items
and are therefore not separately distinguished
(links are provided to detailed articulation below) |
labels |
"Thinking" |
"Doing" |
Docs |
Resolutique |
(gaming) |
Designing simulations to elicit (unconventional) options, associating
them with openly accessible, attractive gaming to elicit cognitive entrainment |
Dissemination of insightful, interactive gaming
and pattern emergence; adaptation of virtual
stock portfolio practices
to governance options |
[01] |
dynamics |
Exploring unforeseen potentials of complex dynamics of non-linear systems
involving multiple actors |
Implementing information systems to enable such structures to emerge
and develop as appropriate |
[02] |
architecture |
Identifying structures of requisite complexity,
viability and coherence and ensuring their emergence |
Implementing information systems to enable
such structures to emerge and develop as appropriate through self-organization |
[03] |
Recognition of
higher order
challenges |
Articulating challenges and possibilities beyond
conventional polarization (and demonisation) |
Creation of engaging activities that give credibility and viability to
non-polarized initiatives |
[04] |
Imaginatique |
Quality and
enhancement |
Reframing "quality of life" and "pursuit of happiness";
implications of voluntary simplicity |
Designing viable environments to sustain unconventional qualities |
[05] |
alternatives |
Recognizing and monitoring the viability of the widest spectrum of alternatives,
in isolation and as necessary complements in any system |
Implementation of experimental environments
("free zones", "socio-poles",
"renaissance zones"); development of substitution databases ensuring
that such options are considered |
[06] |
(engaging with
questions") |
Cognitive vigilance and critical thinking appropriate to detection of
vital insights readily suppressed by spin and advocacy of positive thinking |
Develop processes for emergence of challenging and problematic perspectives
(notably associated with the "unsaid") |
[07] |
Internalization |
Identifying the conceptual challenges of cognitive embodiment of "external"
reality and its role in psycho-social sustainability |
Recognition, design and implementation of
strategies that effectively mirror their environment and engage participation |
[08] |
Problematique |
capture |
Designing open processes for gathering, configuring and disseminating
insight -- in anticipation of it proving valuable |
Implementing and assessing "wisdom" and
innovation gathering systems (eg a strategic Wikipedia) |
[09] |
Facilitation |
Designing processes to identify opportunities for enabling and facilitating
innovative, regulatory and "best practice" initiatives |
Implementation of enabling information processes and legislation |
[10] |
and engagement |
Identifying nature of coherent strategic representations capable of eliciting
appropriate engagement; challenge of comprehension of complexity |
Developing relevant software to facilitate configuring complexity |
[11] |
preparedness |
Identifying implications for social systems of the adaptive cycle, resilience
and degrading gracefully under conditions of collapse |
Introduction of relevant fall-back procedures
and alternatives; development of a "cognitive toolkit" |
[12] |
Irresolutique |
("hearts and minds") |
Rethinking destructive loss of confidence (as recognized by the military);
meaning of confidence (as modelled by financial system) and eroded by tokenism
and secrecy |
Proactive assessment of confidence erosion (broken promises, tokenism,
deception by authorities, etc) and consequent implementation of confidence
building processes of appropriate complexity |
[13] |
Feedback to
authorities |
Identifying processes to enable meaningful
access to authoritative focal points in highly asymmetric conditions (information
overload and underuse) |
Assessing and redesigning systems of public
(taxpayer) interaction with government, media, corporations and academia
(in light of realistic constraints and innovative possibilities) |
[14] |
networking |
Exploring implications of web-enhanced (social) networking for new approaches
to governance of requisite complexity |
Implementation of systems facilitating emergence and viability
of higher order configurations of knowledge and social groups |
[15] |
(engaging with
otherness) |
Exploring the challenge of "designing
in" otherness and disagreement
beyond comfort zones (rather than harmonizing them "out") |
Design of systems whose viability depends on
the variety of intractable differences (as with resilient ecosystems) |
[16] |
Few would question the shift to a knowledge society -- now hyperdependent
on the media and creative visualization for communication purposes and framing
its future. A case can however be made that the repertoire of metaphors
through which the challenges of governance are articulated is impoverished
in relation to the quality of cognitive assistance that is required -- perhaps
to be framed as "cognitive prosthetics". (see commentaries on Governance
through Metaphor Project).
Some relevant explorations include:
- "Tank-thoughts" from "Think-tanks":
metaphors constraining development of global governance, 2003
- Governing
Metaphors: the new policy frontier, 2002
- In Quest of
Uncommon Ground: beyond impoverished metaphor and the impotence of
words of power, 1997
- Richer Metaphors
for Our Future Survival, 1996
- Metaphor
as an Unexplored Catalytic Language for Global Governance, 1993
- Sustaining Higher
Orders of Policy Consensus through Metaphor: towards a new language
of governance, 1992
- Guiding
Metaphors and Configuring Choices, 1991
- Identity
of the United Nations: experimental articulation through a dynamic system
of metaphors, 1991
- Metaphors
as Transdisciplinary Vehicles of the Future, 1991
- Through Metaphor
to a Sustainable Ecology of Development Policies, 1989
- Cooperation
and its Failures: Metaphors towards understanding the dilemma for the
1990s, 1988
- Metaphoric
Revolution: in quest of a manifesto for governance through metaphor,
- Innovative
Global Management through Metaphor, 1988
- Governance through Metaphor, 1987
If importance is attached to the "images" through which organizations
may be variously understood (Gareth Morgan, Images of Organization,
1986), what then of the images of governance and globalization?
Morgan distinguishes eight: Machine, Organism, Brain, Culture, Political
System, Psychic Prison, Flux and Transformation, and Instrument
of Domination. Similarly, a symposium of the wise, to celebrate the
sesquicentennial of Boston University (Lance Morrow, Metaphors
of The World, Unite!, Time, 16 Oct. 1989) selected a Tessellation
as the metaphor that best captured the spirit of the times.
In that light,
a self-reflexive exercise was undertaken to explore a set of metaphors
through which the operation and output of "think tanks" focused on
global governance might themselves be understood. These metaphors included: Fish
tank, Battle
tank, Reservoir
tank, Holding
tank, Septic
tank, Sensory
deprivation tank (Float tank) , Cultivation
tank, Simulation
tank) (see "Tank-thoughts" from "Think-tanks":
metaphors constraining development of global governance, 2003). Such
considerations rause the issue of policy creativity and coherence for future
governance (Meta-challenges of the Future for Networking
through Think-tanks,
In this spirit what might then be the seven (say) guiding, generative and
mutually challenging metaphors of governance and globalization?
The earlier exercise (Cooperation
and its Failures: Metaphors towards understanding the dilemma for the 1990s,
1988) explored the metaphors of: Networking
and teleconferencing, Revolution, Trade
and Development, Sexual
intercourse, Environmental
ecosystems, Drama
and Opera, Sharing
in spirit, Building, Games
and Teamwork, Celebration, Rule
of Law, and Conspiracy
of elites.
More fruitful complementary metaphors, to ensure better communication
between governors and governed, might now include, for example:
A comparative study of the opponents in the Vietnam
War suggested that the USA lost because strategically it was "playing
whereas its opponents were "playing go" (Scott
Boorman, The Protracted
Game: A Wei-ch'i Interpretation of Maoist Revolutionary Strategy, 1969).
Provocatively, is it possible that the "success" of Al-Qaida is due
to its framing of its strategies through richer metaphors? (cf
Transforming the
Encounter with Terrorism, 2002). Such points make it possible to suggest
that a desirable form of governance, in a knowledge-based
society, might well focus its attention on the emergence and movement of policy-relevant
metaphor-models in society as suggested elsewhere (Governance
through Metaphor, 1987).
Contemporary approaches to governance: "Crazy
Enough" ? |
Is the conventional thinking in the face of the
extreme contemporary challenges of governance unworthy of a civilization "reaching
for the stars" -- and potentially dependent for its energy on understandings
of physics that defy conventional modes of understanding? The latter
are famously dependent on the craziest "Theories
of Everything", as illustrated by the much-quoted statement by Niels
Bohr in response to Wolfgang Pauli:
"We are all agreed that your theory
is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough
to have a chance of being correct. My own feeling is that it is not
crazy enough."
To that Freeman Dyson added:
"When a great innovation appears, it will almost certainly be in
a muddled, incomplete and confusing form. To the discoverer, himself,
it will be only half understood; to everyone else, it will be a mystery.
For any speculation which does not at first glance look crazy, there
is no hope!" (Innovation in Physics, Scientific American,
199, No. 3, September 1958)
Or perhaps, as expressed by Shakespeare:
"Though this be madness yet there is method in it". (Hamlet, 1603)
Cognitive challenges of governance
The dynamics associated with an adequate response to the "emergent reality"
noted above, needs necessarily to be of requisite
variety consistent with any cybernetic analysis of governance as a control
system -- especially for a system that is significantly "open". The
schematic explored
below is therefore understood as an effort to encompass
the set of cognitive challenges of governance in a knowledge-based society,
- desirability of designing in challenging feedback loops in reframing governance
so as to ensure:
- quality of focus
- quality of engagement
- conservation of energy (especially as indicated by attention time as
an increasingly scarce resource)
- "resonance" with any expectation of engagement (as used in
the French metaphor caisse
de résonance)
- increasing responsiveness of learning/action cycle
- necessarily self-reflexive fractal framing of new approaches to governance
whereby the articulation of any non-model, such as follows, is continually
open to challenge, as exemplified by:
- excessive reliance in communication on the single-sense "vision" metaphor
when in strategic and political practice there is typically as much
reliance on complementary metaphors of "smell", "sound", "feel" and "taste" (Metaphor
and the Language of Futures, 1992)
- exacerbation of the governance processes highlighted in the previous
point, with decision-makers having particular "sensual preferences"
avoiding situations where other metaphorical senses are desirable,
if not essential, and where multi-sensual competence might be vital
for survival (Cyclopean Vision vs Poly-sensual
Engagement, 2006).
- capacity to elicit and consider questions of a higher order, notably
to circumvent definitional game-playing (Engaging
with Questions of Higher Order: cognitive vigilance required for
higher degrees of twistedness, 2004)
- application to the challenge of governance of knowledge management
tools considered necessary for project management, given the probability
of collective failure to learn from sophisticated systems, skillfully
deployed -- and otherwise to be deplored as reliance on military metaphors
Sustainable Development Strategies through Avoidance of Military Metaphors,
- better metaphors for the process: designing musical instruments,
caisse de resonance, etc (Playfully
Changing the Prevailing Climate of Opinion: climate change as focal
metaphor of effective global governance, 2005)
- design challenge of knowledge comprehension and knowledge compaction (as
the process of decontextualization and formalization, with the goal of decreasing
modification times as well as increasing lifetime, commitment, and visibility)
exemplified by the absence of any "Google Earth" equivalent for
the global problematique, resolutique, imaginatique and irresolutique:
- capacity to evoke competence, insight and creative engagement wherever
it is to be found, such as to elicit:
- imaginative questions not just imaginative answers (which emerge
as a consequence)
- imaginative metaphors not just imaginative projects (which emerge
as a consequence)
- imaginative myths not just imaginative declarations (which emerge
as a consequence)
- engaging media not just engaging strategies (which emerge as a consequence)
- integrative images not just integrative knowledge (which emerge
as a consequence)
- realistic concern to focus on higher order complementary opportunities
rather than seeking vainly to redesign legacy systems (or undermining those
variously committed to them), as suggested by the emergence, evolution and
reliance on:
- world wide web
- global media
- imaginative metaphors (notably as formulated by lyricists at the grassroots
A necessarily questionable "open source" articulation
In a knowledge society, populated by a multiplicity of more or less definitive
"models", what follows is most usefully considered as a "non-model" that
highlights the "open
source" design challenge of knowledge tools in support
of governance -- generalizing beyond the application of "open source" to
software development.
Use is tentatively made here of the distinctions highlighted by the Club of
- problematique: the configuration of problems for which
a strategic response is sought through appropriate analysis.
- resolutique: the configuration of strategic initiatives
through which progress to a preferred condition of humanity could be achieved
These correspond to the author's responsibility (from 1972) for the comprehensive
online databases on world
problems and global
strategies within the framework of the Encyclopedia
of World Problems and Human Potential.
The above set was further elaborated to distinguish the:
- imaginatique: the totality of potential patterns on which
the imagination can draw to order conceptual and organizational initiatives
-- beyond simplistic orderings of integrative concepts, values and strategic
initiatives that are neither adequate nor engage commitment.
- irresolutique: the challenge of resolve, resolution and
political will -- typically characterized by (partially denied) dysfunctional
interpersonal and institutional game-playing through which appropriate responses
are avoided
This four-fold schema has been detailed elsewhere (Imagining
the Real Challenge and Realizing the Imaginal Pathway of Sustainable Transformation,
2007). This endeavours to benefit from insights into mapping the dynamics
of complex systems using the "real" and "imaginary" axes
of a complex plane.
As clarified in Figure 3, the problematique and
resolutique are then to be associated with the imaginary
as explicated,
whereas the imaginatique and irresolutique are then to be associated with
the implicit real as experienced.
In this context, the explicit "imaginary" is understood as associated
here with a Thinking/Doing axis and the implicit "real" with a Re-imagining/Game-playing
axis, where
- Explicit ("above the table"):
- Thinking (as typically performed "collectively" by policy
think tanks) is primarily associated with the Resolutique,
based on learning from the Problematique
- Doing (as undertaken "collectively" through typical projects
and programmes) is primarily addressed to the Problematique,
informed by learning from the Resolutique
- Implicit ("under the table"):
- Game-playing (as undertaken "individually" by all actors)
is primarily associated with the Irresolutique, inspired
by the Imaginatique. Strikingly exemplified both by online interactive
gaming and by the current internet
"cold war" between China and the USA.
- Re-imagining (as promoted by the media, and undertaken by cultural
creatives and through individual recreation) is primarily associated
with the Imaginatique, based on learning from the Irresolutique.
Strikingly exemplified by news management and "spin".
The above ordering of the array of thinking/doing items as a checklist
lends itself to a fruitful critical process in terms of the number of
categories (Representation,
Comprehension and Communication of Sets: the Role of Number, 1978)
and its configuration as a table rather on some more complex
surface (Comprehension
of Requisite Variety for Sustainable Psychosocial Dynamics: transforming a
matrix classification onto intertwined tori, 2006; Spherical
Configuration of Categories -- to reflect systemic patterns of environmental
checks and balances,
Exemplification of the "implicit"
challenge of global governance? |
With respect to the strategic integration of a future
Mediterranean Union, as proposed by Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France
and opposed by Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, Ian Traynor (Germany
pours cold water on Sarkozy union, The Guardian, 14
March 2008) comments:
Diplomats say the fundamental problem is one of personal chemistry,
with Merkel's self-effacing sobriety jarring with Sarkozy's attention-seeking
Integrative schematic: Resolutique and Problematique -- with Imaginatique
and Irresolutique
Circular configuration of Thinking/Doing
Figure 4a: Elaboration of Figure 3
with superimposition of
the indicative labels for Thinking and Doing from Fig. 2 (the table above) |
Elaborating a richer "global identique"
The challenge of communicating and comprehending the dynamics of the above
figure has been presented separately (In
Quest of Mnemonic Catalysts -- for comprehension of complex psychosocial dynamics,
2007). This relates to the challenge of the identity of a globalized knowledge
society -- possibly to be termed its "identique" (in
Club of Rome parlance) -- and how governing of civilization is then framed
dynamically by such an identity. The multi-media computer innovations, currently
evoking widespread enthusiasm, need to be harnessed in response to that challenge,
creating a richer representational bridge between the conceptual and the strategic
-- and the possibility of a global "identique" of as yet unforeseen
complexity. .
This might well also be understood as a powerful attractor/repulsor --
a fifth -- matching those of problematique, resolutique, imaginatique and
irresolutique. This would confirm the value of the circumferential circle introduced
into Figure 4 (cf Experimental
Articulation of Collective Identity -- through a dynamic system of metaphors,
1991; Identity
of the United Nations: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of
metaphors, 1991). Globally the set of associated processes might
be fruitfully related to those discussed by Peter
Senge (The
Fifth Discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization,
Rather than definitive, the challenge of "operating" a civilization through
a schematic such as Figure 4 might be better compared to designing, tuning
and playing a complex musical instrument such as a sitar -- requiring continuing
development and re-invention.Assumptions that it might be "steered" like an
ordinary automobile are as dangerous as applying such optimism to piloting
a helicopter. ***
Any "identique" is of course also to be associated with the role
of symbolic devices such as the EU Anthem or any "Eurovision"-style
song (mentioned above) -- what they evoke and how they "move" (Moving
Symbols: radical change in religious psycho-social energy policy?,
Interdependence of governance / civil society initiatives
There is clearly a need for a degree of coherence in integrating
any array of initiativies (cf Coherent Policy-making
Beyond the Information Barrier: circumventing dependence on access, classification,
penetration, dissemination, property, surveillance, interpretation, disinformation,
and credibility, 1999). Hence the need for looking at the web of interdependcies
that contribute to that integration and for which approipriate communication
protocols are desirable.
Figure 5: Tentative indication of interdependencies
between thinking/doing initiatives (of Fig. 2 and 4) |
Detailed articulation of tabular presentation of Thinking/Doing (with indicative
Documents are included here merely as an indication of the range of topics
which might be addressed under any of the 16 thinking/doing items. They are
potentially helpful in any further elaboration of the scope of the item and
identifying further resources from within their respective bibliographies.
Links are provided below back to the table above (which
itself has links to items below). The following articulation could be developed
to point to the relevance of complementary preoccupation with the Imaginatique
and Irresolutique
("explicit imaginary")
Exploratory simulation (gaming)
- T: Designing simulations to elicit (unconventional) options, associating
them with openly accessible, attractive gaming to elicit cognitive entrainment;
learnings from the successes and failures of "peace games" and
"war games" in enabling constructive rather than purely destructive outcomes
(notably reminiscent of imperial/colonial historical patterns); development
of intelligent agent-based simulations; exploration of enabling simulations
for emergence of more complex memetic and social structures (beyond the constraints
exemplfied by simplistic and negative prefixes)
- D: Dissemination of insightful, interactive
gaming and pattern emergence; adaptation of virtual
stock portfolio practices (as promoted by some banks as learning devices
for clients) to enable exploration of governance options
- Docs:
- Playfully
Changing the Prevailing Climate of Opinion: climate change as focal
metaphor of effective global governance, 2005
- Simulating
a Global Brain: using networks of international organizations, world
problems, strategies, and values, 2001
- Human
Values Stock Exchange: Investing in shares in a value market of
fundamental principles, 2006
- Simulation
Possibilities for Complementary Currencies, 2005
- New Paradigms via a Renewed Set of Prefixes? Dependence
of international policy-making on an array of operational terms, 2003
- And
When the Bombing Stops? Territorial conflict as a challenge to mathematicians,
- Conceptual
Distortions from Negative Descriptors: non-governmental vs. anti-governmental,
Sustainable dynamics
- T: Exploring unforeseen potentials of complex dynamics of non-linear systems
involving multiple actors
- D: Implementing information systems to enable such structures to emerge
and develop as appropriate
- Docs:
Appropriate organizational architecture
- T: Identifying structures of requisite complexity and coherence and ensuring
their emergence, especially those in which intractable differences and incommensurabilities
are designed in rather than out. Of particular interest, in the context of
a conference inspired by the hellenic ideal, it should be recalled
that Plato is known to geometricians for his association with Platonic
solids which only take form in three dimensions (as opposed to two)
-- and when more than three sides are presented and appropriately configured.
Many of them have many more sides and the configurations are quite complex
-- although aesthetically and intuitively appealing. Arguably there is a
challenge to escape from "strategic flatland" into the third dimension
(at least). With the complementary Archimedean
solids, the two series
together suggest a periodic table of institutional and strategic opportunities
that call for exploration -- where "sides" are indicative of distinct (if
not commensurable) strategic perspectives. More generally, including forms
of more than three dimensions, this institutional architectural repertoire
includes the regular
polytopes. There may indeed be a case for geodesic institutional
and cognitive structures -- as implied by arguments of R.
Buckminster Fuller (Synergetics: explorations in
the geometry of thinking,
- D: Implementing information systems to enable such structures to emerge
and develop as appropriate; application in support of face-to-face and virtual
assemblies of "static" and "non-static" actors. Design
of electronic protocols that would catalyze the emergence of "Platonic
solid" configurations from the amorphousness of "social networking" and "networks
of excellence", as partially envisaged by
management cybernetician Stafford
Beer (Beyond Dispute: the invention of team syntegrity, 1994).
- Docs:
- Consciously
Self-reflexive Global Initiatives: Renaissance zones, complex adaptive
systems, and third order organizations, 2007
- Future
World Council Creation: reflections of an ancient futurist, 2005
- Planetary
Challenge of 12-fold Strategic Marriage: Bonding Empire + Alternatives,
Global + Local, and Behavioural + Depth psychology, 2003
- The
Challenge of Cyber-Parliaments and Statutory Virtual Assemblies,
- Spherical
configuration of interlocking roundtables: Internet enhancement
of global self-organization through patterns of dialogue, 1998
- Future
Operation of International Organizations within an Electronic Environment,
- Coherent
Organization of a Navigable Problem-Solution-Learning Space, 1996
- Policy
Options for Civil Society through Complementary Contrasts, 1994
- Configuring
Globally and Contending Locally: shaping the global network of local
bargains, 1992
- Creative
Identification of Appropriate Social Structures through Metaphor,
- Alternation
between Variable Geometries: a brokership style for the United Nations,
Recognition of higher order challenges
- T: Articulating challenges and possibilities beyond conventional polarization
and demonisation; naming higher order challenges ("wolves in sheep's clothing";
"white-anting"; "Emperor's new clothes", etc)
- D: Creation of engaging activities that give credibility and viability
to non-polarized initiatives
- instead of addressing the dynamics of why
a particular behaviour occurs (drugs, pedophiles, theft, violence, etc)
focus is mistakenly placed on stopping it by incarceration
in the light of an inherently simplistic and restrictive worldview
- delay of "governance" with respect to uptake on new possibilities
(eg the web, social networking, etc)
- Docs:
- In
Quest of Mnemonic Catalysts -- for comprehension of complex psychosocial
dynamics, 2007
- Dynamic
Reframing of "Union": Implications for the coherence of knowledge,
social organization and personal identity, 2007
- Governance
through Patterning Language: creative cognitive engagement contrasted
with abdication of responsibility, 2006
- Governance
and Spin in the Knowledge Universe: implications for governance, sustainability
and alternatives, 2006
- Generating
a Million Questions from UIA Databases: Problems, Strategies, Values,
- Conformality
of 7 WH-questions to 7 Elementary Catastrophes: an exploration
of potential psychosocial implications, 2006
- Meta-challenges
of the Future: for Networking through Think-tanks, 2005
- Engaging
with Questions of Higher Order: cognitive vigilance required for
higher degrees of twistedness, 2004
- Critical
Factors for the Long-term Survival of Humanity, 2000
- Paradigm-shifting
through Transposition of Key, 2000
- Living
Differences as a basis for Sustainable Community: ecosystemics of
designing, configuring and driving a difference engine to avoid quenching
enthusiasm, magic and the life of the spirit, 1998
- Discovering
richer patterns of comprehension to reframe polarization, 1998
- Higher
Orders of Inter-sectoral Consensus, 1991
("implicit real")
Quality / Significance enhancement
- T: Reframing "quality of life" and "pursuit of happiness";
implications of voluntary simplicity -- Bhutan ***
- D: Designing viable environments to sustain unconventional qualities
- Docs:
Experimental alternatives
- T: Recognizing and monitoring the viability of the widest spectrum of alternatives,
in isolation and as necessary complements in any system
- D: Implementation of experimental environments ("free zones", "socio-poles",
"renaissance zones"); development of substitution databases; undertaking
proper experiments with alternative modes of organization; encouraging experimental
alternatives to "downsizing"; challenging simplistic demonisation of alternatives
- Docs:
- Consciously
Self-reflexive Global Initiatives: Renaissance zones, complex adaptive
systems, and third order organizations, 2007
- University
of Earth: Questing for a more comprehensive dream, 2007
- Product
/ Service Substitution Database: proposal in support of sustainable
lifestyles, 1999
- Sustainable
Occupation beyond the Economic Rationale: reframing employment,
non-profit-making and voluntary, 1998
- Sustaining
a pattern of alternative community initiatives: based on their
differences from the conventional economic rationale, 1998
- Social
Experiments and Sects: beyond category manipulation by advocates
and opponents, 1997
- Being
Employed by the Future: reframing the immediate challenge of sustainable
community, 1996
- Gardening
Sustainable Psycommunities: Recognizing the psycho-social integrities
of the future, 1995
- Research
Network on Catalytic Imagery for governance in impossible situations,
- Transnational
Network of Research and Service Communities: proposal for an organizational
hybrid, 1974
Reframing assumptions (Nasty questions)
- T: Cognitive vigilance and critical thinking appropriate to detection of
vital insights readily suppressed by spin and advocacy of positive thinking
- D: Develop processes for emergence of challenging and problematic perspectives
(notably associated with the "unsaid")
- Docs:
- Responsibility
for Global Governance: Who? Where? When? How? Why? Which? What?,
- All
Blacks of Davos vs All Greens of Porto Alegre: reframing global strategic
discord through polyphony? 2007
- Root
Irresponsibility for Major World Problems: the unexamined role of Abrahamic
faiths in sustaining unrestrained population growth, 2007
- Emergence
of a Global Misleadership Council: misleading as vital to governance
of the future? 2007
- Global
Market in Indulgences: extending the carbon trading model to other
value-based challenges, 2007
- From
Patent Rights to Patent Responsibilities: Obligations incumbent on
owners and licensors of intellectual property, 2007
- Participative
Development Process for Singable Declarations: Applying the Wikipedia-Wikimedia-WikiMusic
concept to constitutions, 2006
- Distinguishing
Levels and Patterns of Strategic Obsolescence, 2006
- Governance
through Pattern Language: creative cognitive engagement contrasted
with abdication of responsibility, 2006
- Question
Avoidance, Evasion, Aversion and Phobia: why we are unable to escape
from traps, 2006
- Ensuring
Strategic Resilience through Haiku Patterns: reframing the scope
of the "martial arts" in response to strategic threats, 2006
- Norms
in the Global Struggle against Extremism: rooting for normalization
vs. rooting out extremism? 2005
- Future
World Council Creation: reflections of an ancient futurist,
- Review
of the Range of Virtual Wars: as a strategic comparison with the
global war against terrorism, 2005
- Humour
and Play-Fullness: Essential integrative processes in governance,
religion and transdisciplinarity, 2005
- Being
Positive and Avoiding Negativity: Management challenge of positive
vs negative, 2005
- Liberating
Provocations: use of negative and paradoxical strategies, 2005
- Global
Strategic Implications of the Unsaid: from myth-making towards a
wisdom society, 2003
- Varieties
of the Unsaid in sustaining psycho-social community, 2003
- Future
Challenge of Faith-based Governance, 2003
- Groupthink:
the Search for Archaeoraptor as a Metaphoric Tale, 2002
- Web
resources on "breaking the cycle", 2002
- The "Dark
Riders" of Social Change, 2002
- Globalization:
the UN's Safe Haven for the World's Marginalized, 2001
- Sustainable
Improvement in the Quality of Corruption, 2000
- Questions
to which Many deserve Answers, 2000
- Undermining
Open Civil Society: Reinforcing unsustainable restrictive initiatives,
- Recontextualizing
Social Problems through Metaphor: transcending the switch metaphor,
- Checklist
of "Nasty Methodological Questions" regarding
development analyses and initiatives, 1981
Self-reflexivity / Internalization
- T: Identifying the conceptual challenges of cognitive embodiment of "external" reality
and its role in psycho-social sustainability
- self-critique
- D: Recognition, design and implementation of strategies that effectively
mirror their environment
- Docs:
("explicit imaginary")
Insight capture
- T: Designing open processes for gathering, configuring and disseminating
insight -- in anticipation of it proving valuable
- D: Implementing and assessing "wisdom" and innovation gathering
- Docs:
- Transforming
Static Websites into Mobile "Wizdomes": enabling change through intertwining
dynamic and configurative metaphors, 2007
- Preliminary
Netmap Studies of Databases on Questions, World Problems, Global Strategies,
and Values, 2006
- Hyperaction
through Hypercomprehension and Hyperdrive: necessary complement to
hypertext proliferation in hypersociety, 2006
- Complementary
Knowledge Analysis / Mapping Process, 2006
- Issues
too Important to be Left to Specialists: Selected web resources, 2004
- Towards
a web framework for synthesis in dialogue: insight capture from
the flow of conference interventions, 1996
- Insight
Storage and Retrieval in a Computer-supported Environment, 1993
Enabling / Facilitation
- T: Designing processes to identify opportunities for enabling and facilitating
innovative, regulatory and "best practice" initiatives
- D: Implementation of enabling information processes and legislation
- Docs:
Strategic engagement / comprehension
- T: Identifying nature of coherent strategic representations capable of
eliciting appropriate engagement; challenge of comprehension of complexity
- D: Developing relevant software to facilitate configuring complexity
- Docs:
- In
Quest of Mnemonic Catalysts -- for comprehension of complex psychosocial
dynamics, 2007
- Resonances
between Challenging Psychosocial Change Initiatives: Selected web
resources, 2007
- Universal
Declaration of Patent Responsibilities: a draft proposal,
- From
Patent Rights to Patent Responsibilities: obligations incumbent on
owners and licensors of intellectual property, 2007
- All Blacks
of Davos vs All Greens of Porto Alegre: reframing global strategic
discord through polyphony? 2007
- A Singable
Earth Charter, EU Constitution or Global Ethic? 2006
- Creative
Cognitive Engagement: beyond the limitations of descriptive patterning,
- Governance
through Patterning Language: creative cognitive engagement contrasted
with abdication of responsibility, 2006
- Governance
through Patterning Language: creative cognitive engagement contrasted
with abdication of responsibility, 2006
- Animating
the Representation of Europe, 2004
- 12 Complementary
Languages for Sustainable Governance, 2003
- Evaluating
Synthesis Initiatives and their Sustaining Dialogues, 2000
- Coherent Policy-making
Beyond the Information Barrier, 1999
- Structuring
Mnemonic Encoding of Development Plans and Ethical Charters using Musical
Leitmotivs, 2001
- Coherent
Organization of a Navigable Problem-Solution-Learning Space,
- Envisaging
the Art of Navigating Conceptual Complexity: in search of software
combining artistic and conceptual insights, 1995
- Future
Coping Strategies: beyond the constraints of proprietary metaphors,
Crisis preparedness
- T: Implications for social systems of the adaptive cycle, resilience and
degrading gracefully (Thomas Homer-Dixon, The Upside
of Down: catastrophe, creativity, and the renewal of civilization, 2006)
under conditions of collapse (Jared M. Diamond, Collapse: How Societies
Choose to Fail or Succeed, 2005). Issues of preparedness in the light
of black
swan theory regarding
high impact unexpected events (cf Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The
Black Swan: the impact of the highly improbable, 2007).
- D: Introduction of relevant fall-back procedures and alternatives; implementation
of emergency (default) configurations of the web in anticipation of collapse
- Docs:
("implicit real")
Credibility ("hearts and minds")
- T: Rethinking destructive loss of confidence (as recognized by the military);
meaning of confidence (as modelled by financial system) and eroded by tokenism
and secrecy
- D: Proactive assessment of confidence erosion (broken promises, tokenism,
deception by authorities, etc) and consequent implementation of confidence
building processes of appropriate complexity; proactive response to compromised
(political, financial / economic, value exemplars, environmental, health,
judicial, religious, security)
- Docs:
"Access" / Feedback to authorities
- T: Identifying processes to enable meaningful
access to authoritative focal points in highly assymetric conditions (information
overload and underuse). Challenge of the mathematics of meaningful communication
between populations of millions and thousands (if not hundreds) of relevant
agents of government: filtration, relevance, spam. Designing towards the
ideals of democratic "participation" in a context of tokenism and spin.
- D: Assessing and redesigning systems of public (taxpayer)
interaction with government, media and academia (in light of realistic constraints
and innovative possibilities)
- Docs:
- Possibilities
for Massive Participative Interaction: including voting, questions, metaphors,
images, constructs, melodies, issues, symbols 2007
- Future of United Nations - Civil Society Relations:
257 questions in assessing the Report of the Panel of Eminent Persons in
relation to the challenges of the 21st Century. 2004
- Practicalities
of Participatory Democracy with International Institutions: Attitudinal,
Quantitative and Qualitative Challenges 2003
- Nongovernmental
Organizations and the Global Compact, 2001
- Interacting
Fruitfully with Un-Civil Society: the dilemma for non-civil society
organizations, 1996
and INGO-INGO Relations: a possible approach, 1971
Participation / Social networking
- T: Exploring implications of web-enhanced (social) networking for new approaches
to governance
- D: Implementatyion of systems facilitating emergence and viability of
higher order configurations
- Docs:
- Possibilities
for Massive Participative Interaction: including voting, questions,
metaphors, images, constructs, melodies, issues, symbols, 2007
- Playfully
Changing the Prevailing Climate of Opinion: climate change as focal
metaphor of effective global governance, 2005
- Practicalities
of Participatory Democracy with International Institutions: Attitudinal,
Quantitative and Qualitative Challenges 2003
- Participative
Democracy vs. Participative Drama: lessons on social transformation
for international organizations, 1991
- Mobilization
for Alienation vs. Catalysis for Participation: choice for the United
Nations system, 1973
Dialogue / Chemistry / Otherness
- T: Exploring the challenge of "designing in" otherness and disagreement
beyond comfort zones (rather than harmonising it "out"). With respect
to organizational archietecture, there is a desperate need for some strategic
and institutional "Platonic
solids" to emerge credibly and sustainably from any Socratic dialogue
process. It is possible that it is the very dynamic of such
dialogue, as a complex system involving many sides, which engenders such
solids as a form of standing wave pattern.
- D: Design of systems whose viability benefits from the variety of intractable
differences; identification of the variety of games as potential systemic attractors
(and distractors); development of a continuing series of experimental dialogues
(bringing together the wise and the model/solution advocates) and evaluating
the dynamics of such gather and the degree to which lessons are integratewd
into the models of the wise.
- Docs:
- Epistemological
Challenge of Cognitive Body Odour: exploring the underside of dialogue,
- Interrelating
Metaphors -- to enable a cycle of transformation between epistemological
modes, 2007
- Guidelines
for Critical Dialogue between Worldviews, 2006
- Norms
in the Global Struggle against Extremism "rooting for" normalization
vs. "rooting out" extremism? 2005
- Dialogue
Challenges towards the Year 3000, 2000
- Developing
an Internet Framework for Creative Dialogue on Irreconcilable Policy
Differences, 1998
- Typology
of 12 complementary dialogue modes essential to sustainable dialogue,
- Living
Differences as a basis for Sustainable Community: Designing a difference
engine, 1998
- Reframing
Personal Relationships between Innovators or Leaders, 1998
- Future
Generation through Global Conversation: in quest of collective well-being
through conversation in the present moment, 1997
- Sustaining
the Coherence of Dialogue through Apartness: configuration of entities
through hypertext, 1997
- Sustainable
Dialogue as a Necessary Template for Sustainable Global Community, 1995
- Systems
of Categories Distinguishing Cultural Biases, 1993
- Facilitation
in a Cross-cultural Environment, 1993
- Using
Disagreements for Superordinate Frame Configuration, 1992
- Transformative
Conferencing: re-enchantment of networking through conceptware,
Graeme Chesters and Ian Welsh. Complexity and Social Movements: Multitudes at
the Edge of Chaos cover of Complexity and Social Movements (International
Library of Sociology) Routledge, 2006
Jared M. Diamond. Collapse: How Societies
Choose to Fail or Succeed, 2005
Thomas Homer-Dixon. The Upside of Down: catastrophe, creativity, and the renewal
of civilization, 2006
Kevin Kelly. New Rules for the New Economy [text]
Gareth Morgan. Images of Organization. Beverly Hills, Sage, 1986
Peter Senge. The Fifth Discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization,
Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The
Black Swan: the impact of the highly improbable, 2007 [reviews].