The prevailing scientific metaphor obliges us to conceive of stars as amongst the most distant objects. Even to escape the gravity well of the planet Earth is a major task only open to those with major resources -- NASA, the ESA, and the like. Then there is the view favoured by those who see the planet as subject to visits by UFOs and extraterrestrials --including belief that many key people are from distant planets, solar systems or galaxies. Being from such a distant place often then acquires a flavour of one-upmanship amongst some communities.
There may be many possible other views, but one that is intriguing to reflect upon is that people may themselves be "stargates".
The conventional view sees people as possibly travelling to distant planets sometime in the distant future, or as from such distant places in disguise (or in some reincarnated form). These suppose fairly conventional understandings of how that which constitutes an individual is associated with its earthly envelope. They assume that the significance of a distant location is somewhat analogous to the objective significance of this planet. These assumptions may not be as significant as we would like to assume. The future may discover otherwise -- physics may itself only be correct as a limit condition and as such is poorly adapted to subtleties of psychic dimensions that may remain to be articulated. And in a special sense, we may already know otherwise -- engaging in activities to which science is not yet able to give credence.
How then might a person be a stargate? What is a stargate?
Suppose that a holistic organization of the universe were to be taken seriously. What might this mean? It could mean that every distant physical body was in some way "represented" on this planet. How might this work? Suppose this "representation" was not so much physical as psycho-physical -- namely involving non-physical dimensions. Modern physics is very free with its need to have up to 11 dimensions to explain matters beyond the three-dimensional.
Within some such broader framework, each person, through their psycho-physical makeup (how they perceived and dimensioned their universe), might then carry a unique patterning "keyed" in some way to distant stellar bodies.
Each stellar body might be considered as defined uniquely by the configuration of stellar bodies surrounding it. This configuration could be understood as a key. Such a key might be reflected in the psycho-physical patterning of a single individual -- surrounded on this planet by others holding other patterns keyed in each case to other stellar bodies.
What might "keyed" mean in this context?
Some of the language describing these phenomena might seem to be borrowed from the language of astrologers, and astrology might be happy to buy into the following interpretation. Justifying astrological perspectives is not the intention, although there may be insights to be gained from some of those perspectives at some stage.
The point that merits reflection in relation to "keyed" lies in the experience of how one encounters another individual. One can gain a sense of a quite unique configuration of forces or energies that constitutes that individual's universe. One can, to some extent, look into that person's universe. This process may be tantamount to using the person as a stargate.
If each of us is effectively bonded to a distant stellar body, then much of our individual daily experience on this planet is interpreted through the configuration of forces conditioned by the bond particular to each of us. We may be psychically as close to such apparently distant parts as being a "hair's breadth away"; we may have much of our being there. We may each of us be seeing and experiencing this world as "aliens". When we encounter another person we meet as stargates -- each pulling or distorting the significance of the encounter in terms of the psycho-physics of distant parts of the universe.
Of course the question is much more complex. Many encounters are fruitless. We meet mechanically as might robots. Then the stargates, or one of them, are closed. As the significance (or energy) of the encounter builds up, the psycho-physical space surrounding those involved becomes distorted out of its Newtonian limit condition. "Falling" in love describes a common experience -- one possible result of the encounter between stargates. "Fascination" describes a more tentative encounter and the more limited distortion of psycho-physical space.
So some experiences of a person as a stargate may lead to "transportation" -- people may have a sense of being transported to another place. Some people may be experienced as significant because one senses that they could possibly "transport" one to another place.
The argument here is that through our variety of experience in encountering people we already have a working knowledge, however crude, of how stargates may work. We may already have a real sense of the psycho-physics of distant parts of our galaxy, and even of our universe. The reality of this sense may be more than physicists can ever hope to offer.
This perspective is not anthropomorphic. The number of bodies in, the universe far exceeds the number of humans on the planet. It probably exceeds the number of living bodies, insects and bacteria included. Could a dog, a bird or a dolphin be a stargate too? Why might distant stellar bodies not be reflected into animals and plants, in some way, according to this argument? What happens during a significant encounter between human and dog?
The existence of different species may relate far more closely to the organization of the universe than we care to assume. For example, it may be that it is the stellar bodies of this galaxy that are reflected into the human species. Whilst those of other, more distant, galaxies are reflected into other species. Those reflected into the "least evolved", may simply be from those galaxies which are most distant.
This would of course suggest that there are parts of the universe where crustacean-type patterns would emerge in some way as a higher order than mammals and humans. And to some degree we, as individuals, may have our experience conditioned by the dynamics of that alternative ecological arrangement.
It may be that the psycho-physics of stargates is augmented in some way by the manner in which people work in groups -- especially during effective dialogue. Maybe it is as a group that stargates can be more effectively "opened" -- what are the transformative moments in groups that really work? Clearly those exploring magical traditions have projected their imaginings onto such possibilities of exploring alternative "worlds". And what might all this imply about a sustainable community?
Of course the above are mere speculations. But they may have the merit of being more intriguing than the mechanistic explanations on offer from science -- which has little to say above experiences such as "falling" in love, except in terms of hormones (biologists) and projections (psychologists). And if such speculations suggest lines of inquiry regarding sustainable community -- this might achieve more than improvement in the quality of composting toilets!
Astrologers would of course delight in projecting their understandings onto such a frame. But more interesting is the situation in which fundamental physicists find themselves --given the increasing rapprochement between their concerns and those of researchers into consciousness, notably in the light of Eastern understandings. Physicists have the wildest theories, give themselves the privilege of having them, and are unable to foresee the possible implications for individual experience. For a physicist and for an astronomer, the sun still "rises", despite their supposedly richer understanding. And yet, for a physicist, 11 dimensions are currently required to describe the complexities of the reality within which we live: the 4 of space-time in all its awesome extension, and 7 others all "tightly curled up"). How elegant it would be if these 7 were in some way associated with the 7 human psycho-social dimensions as intuited by various traditions!
The above hypothesis is far less bizarre and extravagant than some theories on offer from physicists. It has the merit of focusing on individual experience -- and honouring it in a non-elitist manner. The methodology of physicists requires that they deny the merits and significance of individual subjective experience -- however often they may fall in love.
People may therefore already be able to travel the universe in a most important sense, and many may be engaged in doing so -- whilst physicists reinforce an expectation that we are all dependent on their ability to develop faster than light travel sometime in the future. Within you, or in collaboration with others, you may have a more powerful manipulator of psycho-physical space than all the particle accelerators and cyclo-synchrotrons put together. You may be being deprived of that awareness by the emphasis of the scientific establishment on the cost and dangers of such gadgetry and the sophistication required to operate them safely! Note the embarrassment relating to cold fusion -- maybe we can all do surprising things "at room temperature"!
Beware of your next encounter -- it may take you somewhere unexpected. Enjoy the universe!
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