Christian de Laet


Born 4 July 1927; Died 13th November 2008, aged 81,
Much missed by the many whose lives he touched

Biographical sketch by Wayne Kines
Obituary by Catherine Solyom (Environmental Pioneer de Laet, Montral Gazette, 16 November 2008)
Messages for Susan de Laet via Sylvie Van Brabant
Messages of memories or condolences
Other memories: Marisha Wojciechowska, Nadia McLaren, Jose I dos R Furtado, Anthony Judge

Christian de Laet Christian de Laet Christian de Laet

Documentary film dedicated to Christian de Laet
Version française: Visionnaires Planetaires: Guide de Survie pour une Planète en Péril (2009)
English version: Earth Keepers Sylvie van Brabant, Sylvie van Brabant for Films du Rapide-Blanc Canada 2009
Descriptions: The Last Planet (Executive summary); The Last Planet: (Final summary)

Doctoral thesis:
Des outils pour un développement durable: plaidoyer pour une reconfiguration. [French/English abstracts]
(Université de Montréal, Faculté des études supérieures en vue du grade de Philosophiae Doctor en Aménagement, 1992).
Extrait: Encyclopédie des Problèmes Mondiaux et du Potentiel: informer et s'informer (chapitre 5, 1992)

Other references:
Networks Confab Draws Multidisciplinarians (FYI Concordia University, 3 1976, 12)
Humanity Must Find Its Humanity (Address to the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome, 2000)

From the archives of Development Alternatives (via Ashok Khosla)
Co-founder of Development Alternatives
Tribute To A Profound Founder by Ashok Khosla
Biographical testimony for Christian de Laet by Arjun Khosla
Development Alternatives: a personal appreciation by Christian de Laet (Diwali, 1993)
Sustainability Issues at Practical Level by Christian de Laet

This page provides access to various versions of the historic illustrated document, entitled

The Only Thing We Have
a framework for environmental policies

as elaborated by Christian de Laet for the Office of Environment and Conservation
Papua New Guinea (1978, 21 pages):

              • Web page version (2 pages per web page). start
              • Searchable PDF version of whole document, suitable for printing (7mb)

To the environment of man which is precious because it is

The Only Thing We Have