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November 1976

The Network Alternative

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Proposal for encounters between practitioners, social scientistis and specialists,
incorporating the summary report of a preliminary meeting to assess the feasibility of such a project (Montreal, 1976)
[searchable PDF versions only: original version; published variants]

Appendices 1-6 included in original PDF version; 1-3 in published PDF version (Transnational Associations, 1977, 9, pp. 352-359):

  1. Current examples of the use of "network"
  2. Possible distinctions between "network" and "system"
  3. Indicative listing of types of networks
  4. Mathematical analysis of networks (Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential, Appendix 5, 1976)
  5. Network map production (Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential, Appendix 7, 1976)
  6. Network organizational strategy (Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential, Appendix 10, 1976)

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