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30 May 2024 | Draft

Perspectives of AI on Psychosocial Implications of Global Modelling

Use of facilities of ChatGPT 4 and Claude 3

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Psychosocial systemic implications of global modelling -- ChatGPT 4 versus Claude 3
Global dynamics and psychodynamics -- insights from World2
Reconciling tangible modelling parameters with intangible analogues
Possibility of 5-fold polyhedral configuration of global modelling parameters
Strategic tokenism and misplaced concreteness?
Recognition of a 5-fold global strategic focus
Implication of a 4-fold configuration of complementary metaphors
Underlying toroidal form of the "strategic universe"?
Controversial topology of strange psychosocial attractors
Minimal modelling of a fundamental psychosocial attractor?
Potentially misleading modelling of Paradise on Earth?
Interrelating mutually alienating ways of framing


This exploration emerged from comparative use of the facilities of ChatGPT 4 and Claude 3 in summarizing the themes evoked in a set of 35 AI-related articles presented on this site over the past year (Eliciting Experimentally an Overview by AI of AI-related Articles, 2024). The summary framed the exploration there of Concluding psychosocial questions -- ChatGPT versus Claude 3 and Strategic tokenism and misplaced concreteness?. This developed into a comparison of the two artificial intelligence facilities with respect to global modelling -- especially from a psychosocial perspective. The extent of the responses to this distinctive focus suggested that it would be more appropriate to transfer them to this separate document where the pattern of question/responses could be further developed under more appropriate section headings.

There is considerable preoccupation with global modelling of various kinds, notably from an economic perspective (The Limits to Growth, 1972), from a climate change perspective, and most recently with respect to the pandemic. As previously noted, there is reason for concern regarding the biases in the methodologies employed (Misleading Modelling of Global Crises, 2021). A much-cited study by Gareth Morgan has drawn attention to the set of contrasting images or lenses through which social phenomena can be usefully considered (Images of Organization, 1986).

Beyond the pandemic discipline of the "one right way", Morgan's argument can be adapted to the framings of the crises that are the focus of modelling (Interrelating Multiple Ways of Looking at a Crisis, 2021). This offers a methodological justification for considering the "intangible" psychosocial dimensions which complement the "tangible" focus of conventional modelling. This is a process seemingly justified by the widely documented problematic strategic consequences arising from dependence on rational and quantifiable modelling -- and incomprehension at their ineffectiveness. Especially intriguing is the possibility that the inadequate response to sustainable development strategies could be partially due to psychosocial factors (Recognizing the Psychosocial Boundaries of Remedial Action, 2009; Psychology of Sustainability, 2002; Evan Thompson, et al, The Blind Spot: why science cannot ignore human experience. MIT Press, 2024).

As with the earlier exercises cited, the following exploration makes extensive use of AI. Reservations regarding such use have been previously noted, both with regard to the questionable verbosity and style of responses, and what could be termed an undue degree of "algorithmic enthusiasm" for the relevance of the questions posed (Eliciting integrative insight via ChatGPT, 2024). Such enthusiasm could be readily caricatured as a form of "obsequiousness" detracting from the responses. The role of such AI facilities as an "aggregator" of non-numeric information, rather than as a "computer" of numeric data was noted.

Of particular interest however is critical assessment of the extent to which the responses frame new insights rather than a preponderance of "strategic clichés" -- potentially derived from the reports of that quality which feature in many authoritative references. The intent is to "bear witness" to what is increasingly possible, even though the responses may be questionable. This applies particularly to the use of the image generation facility whose included results are primarily indicative of future possibilities rather than useful at this time.

As previously noted, a merit of this approach is that readers can explore alternative articulations by repeating (or amending) the questions to the AI facilities to which they have access -- especially as those facilities become more sophisticated and have a wider access to published research. As in the papers cited, the responses of both ChatGPT are distinctively presented below in grayed areas, as with those of Claude 3.

Psychosocial systemic implications of global modelling -- ChatGPT 4 versus Claude 3

There is clearly a case for challenging contrasting artificial intelligence facilities with regard to the subtleties framing the conventional focus on global modelling, simulations and the games which may render them meaningful and engaging. Responses of ChatGPT and Claude 3 are presented below to a series of interrelated questions.

Question: Could you speculate from a psychosocial perspective on the systemic analogues to the parameters conventionally selected for global modelling. It could be assumed that those preferred parameters are characteristic of cybernetic understanding of a viable system in tangible terms, whereas (as possible instances of misplaced concreteness) the viability of a psychosocial system would be more appropriately understood through their subtler analogues. Would their viability as a system then be fundamental to the possibility of "infinite games".

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Question: Whilst the response usefully frames the possibility, is it feasible to indicate psychosocial systemic analogues (in global modelling) to the parameters identified in viable systems theory -- in the light of general systems theory

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Question: The World3 model, on which The Limits to Growth was based, focused on five variables: population, food production, industrialization, pollution, and consumption of nonrenewable natural resources. How do these relate to any quest for a "viable system", and what are their systemic analogues in psychosocial terms

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Question: The complementarity of those four metaphors was evoked in an earlier exchange (Tetrahedral Rosetta Stone of complementary fundamental metaphors?). A comparison has long been made between a fundamental 4-fold set and a "quintessential" implication extensively explored in the traditional alchemical quest for the Philosopher's Stone -- and its capacity to transform a 4-fold pattern of "base metals" into "gold". Could you comment on the correspondence of such a "Stone" with 5-fold strategic configurations (such as Earth4All), given the potential equivalence between "misplaced concreteness" and "base metals" in the quest for the Holy Grail of sustainability as quintessential [In Quest of Sustainability as Holy Grail of Global Governance, 2011]

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Underlying toroidal form of the "strategic universe"?

The inherently controversial provocation of their suggested cognitive complementarity invites commentary in the light of their common toroidal form -- of potential significance, as discussed separately (Imagining Toroidal Life as a Sustainable Alternative: from Globalization to Toroidization or back to Flatland? 2019).

Question: The seemingly disparate metaphors of black hole, mandala, silo thinking, and vagina invite speculative comment on any possible underlying commonality -- as contrasting (distorted) perceptions of a toroidal form (of higher dimensionality?) and its distinctive poloidal and toroidal dynamics. Could you comment on the contrasting perspectives with which those perceptions might be associated

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Controversial topology of strange psychosocial attractors

Distinguished as necessarily disparate, the four metaphors can each be seen as fundamental cognitive attractors -- if only as cultivated in the individual and collective imagination. The black hole is a fascination to the technically minded, as well as an inspiration to science fiction. Mandalas are of fundamental significance to those with an integrative cognitive focus -- and to the spiritually minded. Silos are an essential lived reality for those preoccupied with their behavioural identity and its norms -- however generically they may be associated with "cults". The attraction of the vagina can be seen as a primary preoccupation for males and a driver for reproduction, whether conscious or not -- an attractor variously "deployed" by females to that end.

Arguably the exploration can be taken further through the significance associated so controversially and actively with the vagina -- the other metaphors having been "neutralized" to varying degrees. The common toroidal form suggests the merit of a "mathematical" approach to the attraction of the vagina -- as potentially sharing an underlying cognitive "dynamic" with the other metaphors. This follows from an earlier exchange with ChatGPT on the implications of sexual attraction in the existential preoccupations of discipline practitioners (Implication of Mathematics in Human Experience from an AI Perspective, 2024).

The following questions and responses, although problematic, progressively clarify the potential of this framing.

Question: Is there a case for recognizing the number and variety of curves, as mathematically defined, which frame the strange attractor of a female as experienced by a male. Arguably it is not the static form of such curves alone but some measure of their dynamics, as potentially suggested by harmonic analysis. Is there any trace of such research

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Question: Understood as "strange" psychosocial attractors, is there a recognized number of mandala types. I recall reading of 72. How would the function of distinctive attractors then be distinguished

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Question: Understood as framing comprehension of "unity" in a cognitive sense, could the variety of mandalas be distinguished by the geometrical configuration of the possibly curved lines which define them, especially as they may be associated with yantras. Would geometric considerations constrain the number of possible mandalas

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Question: Whether psychosocial complexity is framed by 64 (8x8), by 72 "functions" (8x9), or by 81 (9x9), there seems to be a cognitive preference for a pattern of that order through which comprehension of dynamic engagement with unity takes place -- and through which the complexity of experiential reality is navigated. This is exemplified in the traditional articulations of the I Ching, the Kama Sutra, Kabbalah, the Tao Te Ching, and some topological sets -- as indicated in the attached document (Reframing the Dynamics of Engaging with Otherness, 2011). Could you comment on the significance of these alternatives.

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Minimal modelling of a fundamental psychosocial attractor?

Rrecent decades have made much of conceptual "models" in academic and strategic discourse, but especially in the ordered applications of insight by consultants to every variety of human and environmental activity, including dialogue processes. Indeed many such models are now proprietary, and carefully protected as intellectual property. As previously noted, for enthusiasts of Pythagoras (based in ancient Croton), there is a delightful multiple irony to the fact that Herman Kahn (Thinking about the Unthinkable, 1962), was an iconic early futurist exemplifying such applications (and allegedly a model for Dr Stangelove, 1964). Kahn had his base in Croton-on-Hudson. For a time this was the HQ of the World Modeling Association -- associated with the Model of the Year awards to exemplary beauties of the fashion business. As explored here, there is a case for thinking "otherwise" through the "unthinkable" juxtaposition of such contrasting memes.

It would seem appropriate that any effort to address the "psychosocial implications of global modelling" should take account of the seemingly extreme contrast between the arid abstractions of fashionable strategic models (of limited appeal) and the attraction extolled by the media to the models of the global fashion industry. How indeed might a global model be rendered widely appealing?

Question: In the past exchange consideration has been given to the disparate metaphors of black hole, mandala, silo, and vagina -- and a formal commonality through the torus (possibly of higher dimensionality). Separately I have asked how many curves from a mathematical perspective (possibly understood dynamically) could be deemed necessary to frame the attractor experienced by male for female. The query can be taken further by defining the minimal number of curves to define an attractor. The question might take generic form in that such "curves" could be evident in animal courtship dances and the like

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Question: That response seems to be unduly influenced by the mathematical implications of "strange". The question sought more to determine what minimal number of curves would be perceived as "attractive", if not "sexy" -- potentially as an instruction to an image generator (DALL-E, etc)

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Question: My questions and the responses seem to have avoided my basic quest. From an aesthetic perspective it could be phrased in terms of how few curves are required to suggest an attractive female. From a mathematical perspective it is how such curves might be best described and distinguished. It is a quest for minimalism. Examples studied from a mathematical perspective are the Venus of Lespugue and the Chinese calligraphic Principles of Yong. Could you suggest a better phrasing of the question

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Question: A potentially fruitful possibility is through Fourier analysis in the light of various studies (Martin Friess, et al, Quantitative assessment of human body shape using Fourier analysis, Proceedings of International Society for Optical Engineering, April 2004, 5302; N. Md Tahir, et al, Human Shape Recognition using Fourier Descriptor, Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research, . 2, June 2009; Katarzyna Gościewska, et al, Recognizing human actions with multiple Fourier transforms, Procedia Computer Science, 176, 2020). Could you comment on the relevance to human attraction

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Question: The question could be further refined in the light of sacred geometry. One extreme example is the vesica piscis which has been compared to a vagina or vulva, leading to its usage as a symbol of the divine feminine. This example is extreme as an abstraction which loses attraction except by inference. Another extreme is lurid graffiti which are less attractive but potentially powerful in a suggestive sense

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Question: Whilst the vesica piscis may imply a torus (and symbolically a vagina), it is associated with Villarceau circles, namely a pair of circles produced by cutting a torus obliquely through its center at a special angle. That geometry is recognized as having a particular relation to Hopf fibration (Deep Bhattacharjee, Homotopy Group of Spheres, Hopf Fibrations and Villarceau Circles, September 2021). September 2021 Authors: Do you have any trace of symbolic associations to that geometry, or its use as a metaphor.

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Of potentially remarkable relevance is the thinking with regard to the elaboration of the most aesthetic form of a Chinese character (as in widely practiced Chinese calligraphy), using eight common strokes in regular script, according to the 8 Principles of Yong, as discussed separately in terms of ways of seeing (Anticipating When Blackbirds Sing Chinese, 2014; Cognitive implications of calligraphy: bird's nest and "nesting failure", 2021). This is illustrated with the character yong, signifying "forever" or "permanence". In Japan the principles (and the related 72 types of "brush energy") were the focus of the Daishi school of calligraphy associated with Kukai.

There is a strong case for exploring what is understood by yong in relationship to "sustainability" -- as it is now so widely used with respect to strategic issues of governance. Of particular relevance with respect to calligraphy are the cognitive and philosophical associations in the process of elaborating a character, as cultivated within the Zen tradition. The same may well be evident in Arabic script and other scripts considered sacred in some way. The question here is what is the minimal number of "strokes" to visually indicate a fundamental attractor.

Question: That clarification could be enhanced by recognition of what might be termed "degrees of suggestiveness" as they could be associated with minimal use of curves. As an aesthetic challenge, how few curves (allowing for mathematic definition) would be required to suggest attraction. Again the calligraphic Principles of Yong are indicative of a focused effort to frame permanence or invariance (as a form of attraction like sustainability). Presumably its 8 constituent "curves" could allow for a mathematically defined variant

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Question: Could a question be framed to an image generator (DALL-E, etc) to depict the Principles of Yong -- but using only basic mathematical curves rather than calligraphic strokes

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Question: Generate an image that interprets the Principles of Yong using basic mathematical curves, such as circles, ellipses, parabolas, and sinusoidal waves. The design should emphasize simplicity and fluidity, capturing the essence of traditional calligraphy but using only geometric forms.

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Question: Given the frustration in deriving from DALL-E a minimalist aesthetic portrayal of the feminine using 3 curves, could you comment on the challenge of rendering "sexy" -- namely engaging -- a 3-curve statistical portrayal of strategic modelling of development of the global system

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Question: In the light of that response, and the strong attraction of pornography (and pornographic graffiti) for many, could you comment on the sterile graphic depictions of global strategies as the antithesis of pornography -- paradoxically perverse in their own right, perhaps to be otherwise understood as "strategic pornography",

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Question: Given the "confrontation" above between feminine and strategic "models", could you comment on the controversy regarding discrimination against women (and their abuse) as potentially reflected in abusive modelling (and discrimination against alternative models).

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Question: Traditional iconography, notably highlighting feminine beauty, may well feature particular elements associated symbolically with distinctive functions -- thereby integrated within the form as a whole. System diagrams and conceptual maps typically feature a variety of symbols indicative of distinctive functions ensuring the viability of the system as a whole. Could you comment on any meaningful convergence between such arrays of symbols, if only as providing a mnemonic device offering insight into a potentially vital integrative dynamic. The question is of course more complex in the case of a traditional pantheon of complementary figures where each is the custodian of a distinctive array of symbols.

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Interrelating mutually alienating ways of framing

Question to ChatGPT: My further interest is in developing an animation which would present a degree of morphing between the four metaphors evoked in this exchange (black hole, mandala, silo, vagina) with the torus implied as an underlying commonality. You have clarified the constraints on the use of SORA in the creation of video animations. Is it the case that this might more readily be achieved by generating a set of images in DALL-E and combining them in a GIF animation. With further thought, the black hole is a distant perspective, the mandala is closer, the vagina even closer -- with the silo down the throat of the black hole

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Experimental animation indicative of contrasting metaphoric framings
(morphing between black hole, mandala, silo, and vagina)
[images generated by DALL-E]
Experimental animation indicative of contrasting metaphoric framings

An earlier animation exercise focused in greater detail on mapping the social climate change engendering a perfect storm (Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends, 2012). This explored Interweaving "cyclones" and "anti-cyclones" in a global system. This developed from an earlier focus on "cognitive cyclones" and the cognitive implication of vortices and helicoidal flow (Psychosocial Learnings from the Spiral Form of Hurricanes, 2017; Enabling Governance through the Dynamics of Nature, 2010).

Question: The radical contrasts between the four metaphors -- black hole, mandala, silo mentality, and vagina -- are presented as root metaphors", as an appropriately provocative indication of how imagination and attention are distinctively "grabbed" and "grasped" for many. Could you comment further on how root metaphors function and frame in this way -- "distortions" distracting from the subtler implications of their commonality as intimated by the dynamics of the underlying toroidal form

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Question: Returning to the 5-fold logo of Earth4All (purportedly presented as a global mobilizing strategic device), understood in design terms the question would then be whether it is sufficiently "interesting" (even "suggestive") -- namely adequately "sexy" as a strategic provocation. A similar question might be asked of the UN's array of SDGs. Would both be widely deemed to be "uninteresting" -- despite their acclaimed fundamental importance in remedial response to conditions of global crisis. As a consequence, do "positive" interpretations of the complementary metaphors switch to "negative" variants: black hole disaster (indebtedness, etc), discordian mandala, silo isolationism, vagina dentata

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Question: What design methodology would enable the forging of symbols and stories of sufficient moral clarity and aesthetic power to constitute enabling strategic inspiration. The requisite radical reimagining of the prevailing visual language of social change would seem to necessitate the dynamic embodiment of dissent and defiance -- memes and interventions that hijack attention and reframe reality in disruptive acts of symbolic judo. Positive, palatable graphics that once inspired now risk being too meek and mild for the task at hand. So framed, does this imply a need to grapple with the controversial (if only through mathematics) -- as with reference to the vagina in contrast to the other less controversial metaphors of this exchange

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Question: Any framing of a design methodology reinforces the illusion that any actor (individual or collective) could successfully undertake that role in this period. Arguments that civilizational collapse is already underway offer an indication of the relevance of the black hole metaphor (especially in the light of ever-increasing indebtedness). As presented earlier, this is complemented by three other metaphors offering other ways of framing the dynamics of the times. Missing is the "quintessential" perspective through which the insights they offer may be "mysteriously" integrated -- their complementarity. Could you comment

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