Challenges to Comprehension Implied by the Logo
of Laetus in Praesens
Laetus in Praesens

Passing Thoughts


-- / --

No doubt? No dialogue!


What we need to understand may only be expressible
in a language that we do not yet know


Everything does not do it for me


If one does not understand how one is part of the problem,
one cannot understand the nature of the solution required


Live like a forest -- or Die like a tree


We can eat without recipes, whether well or badly.
But we cannot eat recipes


What we now know to be true may later prove to be less meaningful
than understanding why we believed this to be so
before it was reframed by a larger truth


Why endeavour to be elsewhere,
if one cannot be here?


When and where can what be proven to be factual and by which means:
how can this be achieved with any credibility, by whom;
why would they endeavour to do so?


Most of those, whose views currently condition thinking,
are long dead


To define is to remove all that is fine
from that which one perceives


8-fold Continuity of flow
When the timing is right
And where is well-found
Which way needs no choosing
For emergence of know-how
To enable what is called for
Through embodying an identity
In fulfilment of purpose --
Thus engendering a new cycle
No questions !?


Questions last -- Answers multiply and rot


Questions are engendered by the encounter with the wilderness of knowing
-- answers are the urbanization and industrialization of knowing


Beware of the principle of uncertainty underlying vision
-- whether the partiality of photo-opportunities
or the continuity of waving to the crowd


If "development" engenders so many problems in modern society,
might it be "velopment" which would ensure sustainable improvements to quality of life?


Rather than "peak oil",
perhaps the concern should be with "peak meaning"
-- with the former but one metaphor for the latter.


If objects object, objectively speaking,
to what are subjects subject, subjectively speaking?
And conversely speaking?


Why not reallocate some resources
from the eternal challenges of disagreeing about agreement
to the subtle possibilities of agreeing about disagreement?


In pursuit of their political agendas,
are religions discredited by
exploiting "God" as a Trojan horse ?


How to know whether it is better
to know more and more about less and less,
or less and less about more and more?


How can the wise "make a difference"
without disagreeing?


If the purpose of "national intelligence" is
to destroy relationships threatening communities and lifestyles,
what kind of "intelligence" would be required
to build sustainable community and relationships?


Who is the muse for whom one writes
-- thereby amusing oneself?


"I have friends who are always telling me
how much management of complexity is required
to keep things simple for me"
(with apologies to Gandhi and the Law of Requisite Variety)


It is not the differences in point of view
that are problematic, but rather the lack of attention
to the topography that provides some justification
for all of them


How is the wisdom of the airbrushed distinct
from that of the windswept -- or of the seriously bald?


If wisdom is required to respond to the challenge of sustainable development,
how might that wisdom be best embodied in music and song?


For everyone, dialogue may involve the reconciliation
of the clear "ping" of one's own insight
with the sharp and musty "pong" of the other's


If that which one values most in oneself
lends itself least to ready description,
is the reverse also true?


Every observation is an element
of what could be fruitfully called into question


If spiritual insight is as simple as acclaimed by the wise,
why the need for such lengthy religious texts?


Paradoxically, any oversight role fails
through the accumulation of its oversights


To what extent does a project involve projection
of some form of projectile --
and how is any damage to be recognized?


If the For...umms of the world cannot unite,
Why be astonished if its peoples fight?


Optimists and positive thinkers buy lottery tickets,
in the expectation of mana from elsewhere.
Pessimists and cynics feel obliged to get their own act together
-- to deal with the challenges they face


Everything is so deadly serious
that a viable Theory of Everything
can only be profoundly funny


Nothing Is
Happening Here and Now


Since "yoga" signifies "union" (in Sanskrit),
the corollary may be that
the challenge of any "union" of significance
must imply some form of "yoga"


Is global communication enabled by
currents of feeling in an ocean of meaning
-- or is it currents of meaning in an ocean of feeling?
Or both?


Arguments for or against "moral equivalence"
are pure exercises in scholasticism
to those terrorized by unrestrained violence
-- irrespective of the belief of those perpetrating it


No authority with the power to mislead
is able to prove with any credibility
that it is not in the process of misleading


The great thing about "terrorism"
for the intelligence communities
is that no thinking is required
-- it is always "al-Qaida" !


So many impressive foundations
are created, but so little
is constructed upon them


Are there as many black holes in the universe
as there are individuals on Earth?


As an acronym, is a theorem:
a reminder of divinity? a memory of the divine?
a memo from god? a clue to divination? a divine glance?


If, according to Socrates,
an unexamined life is not worth living,
might an unexamined faith render worthless the lives of others?


The meta-pattern that connects is a synaesthetic pattern,
not to be re-membered through
a single sense or mode of knowing


Agreement between those who claim special insight,
or who are perceived as wise,
is only achieved by excluding those with whom they disagree


What do we learn
from having the opportunity to do
what we subsequently fail to achieve?


Philosophy is a process of draconian personal hygiene,
better to be in time with others -- those not encountered out of time


The inconvenient truth about truth
would seem to be that its simplicity is not to be found
where it would be most convenient for it to be


Is life the effort to process a free download
of information from the stars?


How does one indicate a framework of higher dimensionality
from within one of lower dimensionality -- by "pointing"?


Given the number of keynote speakers
on vital strategic issues,
why can we not hear the music they elicit?


Collaboration -- where neither party is committed to do anything
in the expectation that from that synergy
something will emerge?


Any insight one has
impells one further out-of-sight for others
(if not out-of-mind)


For those constrained to live in the plane of reality,
what options are there
when everything has been explaned?


Envisaging a sustainable future
may require a degree of


Although those who cannot remember the past
may be condemned to repeat it, re-membrance of it may be valuable
in enabling its processes to be replicated at a subtler level


Where is the "there"
at which I am


Sustainable governance is necessarily sexy
-- and if it is not then
it is unlikely to be sustainable


If truth is two-eyed then
governance is necessarily double-breasted


Systemic ignorance
is not a valid plea before
Gaia's cybernetic law


It is not a question of whether a model will fly,
but rather of whether one can engage with it
and thereby be enabled to fly it oneself


Living is doing time


One person's meat
is another person's bull


To see the universe in a football game and heaven in a ball ?
Hold infinity in awareness now and eternity in a mall ?
(with apologies to William Blake, Auguries of Innocence)


Live like a forest or die a log


A fact is but a memorial to a moment of knowing


The sustainability of the environment is ensured
by the co-existence of many species that, by definition,
do not engage in fruitful intercourse.


Wisdom is the art of being ignorant


It is not whether it is relevant,
but where, when and how it is relevant
-- and why


The reality of one person
necessarily implies a pattern of denial
for another


It is the nature of distractions
to expand and expropriate
any available attention time


Is increasing wisdom,
as claimed by those of advancing years,
merely a device to intimidate those
puzzled by their increasing incomprehensibility?


It is not whether it is relevant,
but where, when and how it is relevant
-- and why


Being fully "here" is a prerequsite
for any meaningful reflction on
"having gone"


Is it what one believes that matters, or whether others care?


If one does not take care of globality
one will be taken care of
-- by globality


Myth is a form of explanation
with which one can meaningfully engage


The useless are getting ready
-- now that the useful have demonstrated
the nature of their incompetence


Does the secret of global governance
lie in the riddle of a cross word?


Does death result from exhausting
the cognitive geometry on which
we choose to live?


"Toroidal brain" ?
Does the "global brain" have
a "hole in the head" ?


If I am a strange loop
Could you be one too?
Stranger still the community
That might sustain us two?


By the time
you have been re-cognized,
it is already too late


Like "magic carpets",
the key to the transportation potential of values
lies in how they are interwoven -- and how that is appreciated.


Is meta-discourse necessarily unsustainable?


How does an anomaly become irrelevant?


The present is a moment of insight
precluding those of the future


Governments now stand for nothing,
other than the appearance of standing for something


Dialogue with those who know "the answer"
is much less fruitful than
dialogue between those who know they do not


Factuality, objectivity and authority
are commodities whose quality and price
vary according to market principles


Science is a cultural product
suffering from the delusion
that it is not


The greater one's sense of comprehension,
the greater one's probable incomprehensibility
-- especially to oneself


Is nonsense everything
that is not sensationalist?


If you are not aware of any constraint
on more fruitful comprehension of your reality,
you may well be that constraint


Authority is the primary means
of avoiding thought


For adequate comprehension of anything,
the cognitive organization of the beholder needs to be of
greater complexity than that attributed to the beheld
(in the light of the Law of Requisite Variety)


Declarative statements and naming
do not constitute knowledge and knowing


Science precludes the possibility of any future discovery
which has not been authorised by
its current methodology and mindset


If one does today what one did a year ago,
In a year's time one will probably be where one is today


Topologically, a static knot may be used to
describe precisely what a person is dynamically not


If one believes one is right,
What could possibly be wrong with that?


Derivation of qualitative significance
is inversely proportional to
the quantity of information available


Is it only poetry that is capable of
giving expression to
unknowledge and the unsaid?


Do functional communities of the "dysfunctional"
merit appreciation in contrast with
dysfunctional communities of the "functional"?


Should any envisaged change,
whether social, political, economic, or technological,
provide for backward compatibility with the "left behind"?


If all one has is a missile,
then every problem looks like a target


People tend to benefit more from
not being supplied with information
which others consider would be of benefit


Are their holes of significance
in the world views
of those esteemed as holy?


An image takes people to places where
conventional explanations
struggle to follow

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